70.01 Emergency vehicles
70.02 Unlawful interference with signs
70.03 Reckless and careless driving
70.04 Drunken driving
70.05 Drive on right
70.06 Passing
70.07 Overtaking vehicles
70.08 Passing over left of center
70.09 Turning
70.10 Intersection rules
70.11 Stop before entering highways
70.12 Pedestrians
70.13 Children
70.14 Stopping for railroad signal
70.15 View obstructed
70.16 Stopping after an accident
70.17 Speed restrictions
70.18 Speed in city
70.19 Speed at intersections and the like
70.20 Removal of vehicles
70.21 Unsafe equipment
70.22 Exhibition driving prohibited
70.23 Definitions
70.99 Penalty
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to vehicles when operated with due regard for safety, under the direction of peace officers, in the chase or apprehension of persons charged with or suspected of any violation of law, nor to Fire Department vehicles when traveling in response to a fire alarm, nor to public vehicles when traveling in emergencies, which vehicles shall be given the right-of-way if the driver thereof is giving audible signal by siren. This exemption shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his or her own negligence.
(1963 Code, § 40.01)
No person shall without lawful authority alter, deface, injure or remove any official traffic control device, or post any unauthorized sign.
(1963 Code, § 40.02) Penalty, see § 70.99
No person shall drive a vehicle in a manner as to indicate either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. No person shall drive, and no owner of a vehicle shall permit to be driven, any unsafe vehicle or load or connecting part thereof upon any highway.
(1963 Code, § 40.03) Penalty, see § 70.99
No person, whether licensed or not, who is a habitual user of narcotics or who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics shall drive any vehicle upon any highway.
(1963 Code, § 40.04) Penalty, see § 70.99