General Provisions
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Interpretation, purpose and conflict
50.03 Severability
Collection and Disposal
50.15 Disposal
50.16 Preparation for collection
50.17 Storage and containers
50.18 Removal of garbage before vacating premises
50.19 Commercial rubbish
50.20 Infected refuse
50.21 Flammable, explosive, toxic, dangerous and hazardous materials
50.22 Miscellaneous rubbish
50.23 Garbage and refuse vehicles
50.24 Performance standards for scavengers
Administration and Enforcement
50.35 Inspection by Health Department
50.36 Permission required to dump or place garbage or refuse on public or private property; exception
50.37 Abatement of declared nuisance
50.38 Nuisances
50.99 Penalty
Animal Control, see Ch. 90
Nuisances; Health and Safety, see Ch. 91
Solid Waste Management, see Ch. 51