A.   Purpose: the purpose of this zone is to permit those types of uses which are oriented toward the Ohio River.
   B.   Uses permitted:
      1.   The following uses are permitted in this zone only when those uses are developed in conjunction with boat harbors, marinas, or dockage facilities, including boat landing or launching facilities located along the Ohio River in the Conservation Zone. These uses shall have an unobstructed access way connecting the permitted use with the Ohio River for the movement of equipment, materials, vehicles, and pedestrians.
         a.   Sale of marina supplies and equipment, including service and repair.
         b.   Sale of fishing equipment and supplies, including service and repair.
         c.   Off-street parking facilities and temporary parking of boat trailers, including spaces large enough to accommodate automobiles pulling boat trailers.
         d.   Restaurants.
      2.   Publicly owned or operated parks and recreational areas.
      3.   Recreational uses other than those publicly owned or operated, such as golf courses, golf driving ranges, country clubs, including community swimming pools.
   C.   Conditional uses:
      1.   Kennels and catteries under the following conditions:
         a.   Minimum parcel size for a kennel operation one-quarter (1/4) acre;
         b.   To be located in the River Oriented Zone;
         c.   Six (6) foot high perimeter fence around pen enclosure;
         d.   Minimum yard setback to nearest pen enclosure component; ten (10) feet;
         e.   To be located in rear yard;
         f.   Daily cleaning and pen maintenance;
         g.   Kennel to comply with all state regulations pertaining to kennels and the humane treatment of animals;
         h.   Screening as regulated by § 9.17 adjacent to any abutting residential use;
         i.   Other conditions as required by the Board of Adjustments.
   D.   Accessory uses:
      1.   Customary accessory buildings and uses.
      2.   Fences and walls as regulated by §§ 13.0 through 13.10.
      3.   Signs, as regulated by §§ 14.0 through 14.7.
      4.   Dwelling unit facilities for the occupancy of the operation of the principally permitted use, providing the use is attached thereto.
   E.   Area, height, yard, and setback regulations: requirements for all permitted uses shall be as determined and approved by the Planning Commission in the form of a site plan, as regulated by § 9.19.
   F.   Other developmental controls:
      1.   Dwelling units are not permitted in this zone, except as provided for in division D.4. of this section.
      2.   Off-street parking and loading or unloading shall be provided in accordance with §§ 11.0 through 12.2.
      3.   No outdoor storage of any material (usable or waste) shall be permitted in this zone except within enclosed containers.
      4.   No lighting shall be permitted which would glare from this zone onto any street, road, highway, deeded right-of-way, or into any residential zone.
      5.   Where any yard or any use permitted in this zone abuts a residential zone, a minimum yard requirement of fifty (50) feet for each side or rear yard which abuts said zone shall be provided, ten (10) feet of which shall be maintained by a screening area, as regulated by § 9.17.
      6.   No use producing objectionable odors, noise, or dust, shall be permitted within five hundred (500) feet from the boundary of any residential zone.
      7.   The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve, upon submission of a site plan, areas which may be used for outdoor storage of boats on crushed stone lots according to load bearing requirements.
      8.   A site plan, as regulated by § 9.19, shall be required for any use in this zone.
(Ord. 2017-6, passed 4-4-17)