A.   Permitted uses: these are the uses which are permitted on property zoned R-4 as outlined on the official zoning map:
      1.   Multi-family residential dwellings.
   B.   Accessory uses:
      1.   Customary accessory buildings and uses.
      2.   Fences and walls, as regulated by §§ 13.0 through 13.10.
      3.   Signs, as regulated by §§ 14.0 through 14.7.
      4.   Uses, as listed below, included within and entered from within any use permitted in this zone, primarily as a convenience and for the service of the occupants thereof, providing the accessory uses shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of the permitted uses in the building, and no exterior advertising displays for any accessory uses hall be visible from outside the building:
         a.   Barber or beauty shop.
         b.   Bookstore or newsstand.
         c.   Pharmacy or drug store.
         d.   Professional offices.
         e.   Snack bar or coffee shop.
         f.   Hobby shop.
         g.   Flower shop.
   C.   Special permitted use:
      1.   Municipal offices, when developed in conjunction with a permitted use in this zone.
   D.   Area and height regulations for permitted uses:
      1.   Minimum lot area:
         a.   One acre.
         b.   In the case of this zone, more than one principal building as defined herein may be permitted on one lot.
      2.   Maximum density: 90 dwelling units per net acre.
      3.   Minimum lot width at building setback line: 150 feet.
      4.   Minimum front yard depth: 30 feet.
      5.   Minimum side yard width on each side of lot: 25 feet.
      6.   Minimum rear yard depth: 30 feet.
      7.   Maximum building height: 120 feet.
   E.   Other development controls:
      1.   Off-street parking and loading or unloading shall be provided in accordance with §§ 11.0 through 12.2.
      2.   No outdoor storage of any material (usable or waste) shall be permitted in this zone, except within enclosed containers.
      3.   No lighting shall be permitted which would glare from this zone onto any street, or into any adjacent property.
      4.   A site plan, as regulated by § 9.19, shall be required for any use permitted in this zone, except when development is proposed under the Planned Unit Development regulations, as regulated by § 10.13.
      5.   Special infill development standards apply in built-up areas to help ensure that new development is compatible with the surrounding context.
(Ord. 2017-6, passed 4-4-17; Am. Ord. 2022-3, passed 3-15-22)