Sec. 2-193. Membership of authority.
   The members of the authority shall be as follows: City of Danville mayor, Boyle County judge executive, city manager of the City of Danville, one (1) magistrate appointed by the Boyle County fiscal court, one (1) at-large member appointed by the board of commissioners of the City of Danville, and one (1) at-large member appointed by the Boyle County fiscal court. The board of commissioners of the City of Danville and the Boyle County fiscal court shall jointly appoint one (1) non- governmental individual member to serve as the chair of the authority, who shall serve without compensation. Each member shall be a legal resident of Boyle County. The City of Danville board of commissioners may also select a past mayor to serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. The Boyle County fiscal court may also select a past judge executive to serve as an ex-officio non-voting member.
(Ord. No. 1962, § 3, 4-26-21)