§ 18-88. Waterworks fire protection services.
   (A)   There is hereby imposed a fire protection fee of ninety-three one hundredths of one dollar ($0.93) per month for each customer in the utility system which has a public fire hydrant within one thousand (1,000) feet of any portion of the property owned, leased or rented by the customers.
   (B)   There is hereby imposed a fire protection fee of twenty-two and sixty-two hundredths dollars ($22.62) per inch diameter of unmetered fire protection sprinkler main per year. In addition, a fee of ninety and fifty-one hundredths dollars ($90.51) per private fire hydrant per year will be charged to each customer having private fire protection services. Charges will be assessed on each bill (i.e. – monthly) as determined by the service received.
(Ord. No. 1600, 6-25-01)