The chief of police and the city engineer are hereby authorized and directed to mark with a yellow line the curb areas in close proximity to individual driveways in accordance with the following regulations and guidelines:
(1) A written application must be submitted by the property owner to the chief of police.
(2) The application shall be reviewed by both the chief of police and the city engineer, who shall then make a determination as to whether or not to approve the application.
(3) If the application is approved by both the chief of police and the city engineer, the marking or painting of the curb shall be done by the city in accordance with the determination made by the chief of police and the city engineer.
(4) There shall be a charge to the property owner for the painting of the curb, and the amount of such charge shall be as determined from time to time by the board of commissioners.
(Ord. No. 1359, § 2, 1-28-86)