§ 9-1. Damaging streets, driveways and curbs.
   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to build, kindle or place or cause, suffer to permit to be built, kindled or placed, any fire or heat in any form or manner upon any asphalt street or driveway or any curb or gutter or other portion of such street within the city; or to throw, pour or place upon the surface of such street or driveway or curb or gutter or other portion thereof or cause or permit to be thrown, poured, run, placed or drip upon the surface of such street or driveway or any curb or gutter or other portion thereof any acid, gasoline, benzine, naphtha, kerosene, or any other fluid, powder or substance calculated in any manner to injure any portion of asphalt street, or to wash or clean any automobile or other vehicle in or on such street, or to sweep any trash, rubbish or debris into such street.
   (b)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, but a prosecution or conviction hereunder shall not relieve such offender from civil liability to the city for any injury or damage done on the street, curb or gutter.
(Code 1977, § 90.100)
   Cross reference--Streets, sidewalks and other public places generally, Ch. 14.
   State law references--Criminal mischief, KRS 512.040; criminal littering KRS 512.070.