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   (a)   No person elected to the city council shall, during the term for which he or she was elected, be appointed to any office or position of emolument in the service of the city. If a member of any board or commission appointed by the council or any appointive officer of the city, including municipal judges, city appointees to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board, and city appointees to the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board, becomes a candidate for nomination or election to any public office, he or she shall immediately forfeit his or her place or position with the city. This provision does not prohibit a person from applying for a position as a municipal judge while a candidate for nomination or election to any public office.
   (b)   A member of the city council shall forfeit his or her place on the council if he or she becomes a candidate for nomination or election to any public office other than a place on the city council or if he or she becomes a candidate for election to any different place on the city council that requires taking office prior to the end of his or her elective term. (Amend. of 6-12-73, Prop. No. 8; Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 13; Amend. of 11-4-14, Prop. Nos. 7 and 9)