(Added by Amend. of 4-3-76, Prop. No. 3)
   The city council shall appoint a city secretary who shall serve for a period of two years from the date of appointment or until a successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner discharged by the council. The city secretary shall be a resident of the City of Dallas. If at the time of appointment, the city secretary resides outside the City of Dallas, then he or she shall move into the city within a time period required by the city council. The city secretary shall be appointed by a majority vote of all of the members of the city council and shall not be discharged during his or her term of office except upon a majority vote of all of the members of the council. The city secretary shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the council. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. Nos. 2 and 13)
   The city council shall provide the city secretary with such assistants and employees as it may deem necessary, and they shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the council. Any such assistant or employee may be discharged at any time by the city secretary. All powers and duties imposed on the city secretary may be exercised and performed by any assistant or employee under the city secretary’s direction. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. Nos. 2 and 13; Amend. of 11-5-24)
   The city secretary shall:
      (1)   attend all meetings of the city council and keep accurate records of all actions taken by the city council;
      (2)   oversee a records management program for the city that provides for the identification, maintenance, retention, security, electronic storage, microfilming, disposition, and preservation of city records and appoint a city records management officer to administer the program;
      (3)   operate the city’s archives and records storage facility for the storage of inactive city records until such time as those records may be disposed of and identify, preserve, and serve as custodian of the city’s historical records;
      (4)   inspect or direct the city records management officer to inspect the city records and report to the city council and the city manager any irregularities or failures of the city to create, identify, or maintain records in accordance with requirements assigned by law;
      (5)   administer oaths;
      (6)   attest contracts, assessment certificates, and other legal instruments when executed by the authorized officers of the city;
      (7)   serve as the election official for all city elections; and
      (8)   perform such other duties as may be required of the city secretary by this Charter, the city council, or state law. (Amend. of 5-1-93, Prop. No. 9)