The fiscal year of the city shall begin on the first day of October of each year and shall end with the 30th day of September next following. By the 15th day of August of each year the city manager shall submit to the council a budget estimate of the revenue of the city and the expense of conducting the affairs thereof for the ensuing fiscal year. This estimate shall be compiled from information obtained from the several departments, divisions and offices of the city on uniform forms furnished by the city manager. It shall be in accordance with uniform accounting procedures with comparisons to the last two fiscal years and an estimate of the probable income for the period covered with the significant underlying assumptions. (Amend. of 4-3-76, Prop. No. 8; Amend. of 11-5-24)
Every department of the city government not under the direct control of the city manager, except the city auditor and the inspector general, shall furnish to the city manager, for use in the preparation of recommendations to the council regarding the annual budget, a detailed budget estimate of the needs and requirements of such department for the coming year. The city auditor and the inspector general shall furnish a detailed budget estimate of the needs and requirements of the city auditor’s office and the inspector general’s office, respectively, for the coming year directly to the city council, to be approved by the city council, and then consolidated with the city manager’s annual budget estimate. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 13; Amend. of 11-4-14, Prop. No. 5; Amend. of 11-5-24)