The council shall appoint a city manager, who shall be the chief administrative and executive officer of the city. The city manager shall be chosen by the council solely on the basis of executive and administrative training, experience, and ability, and without regard to political consideration. The city manager shall be a resident of the City of Dallas. If at the time of appointment, the city manager resides outside the City of Dallas, then he or she shall move into the city within a time period required by the city council. No member of the council shall, during the time for which elected, be chosen as city manager. The city manager shall not be appointed for a definite fixed time, but shall be removable at the will and pleasure of the city council upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the council unless otherwise provided by contract. The action of the council in removing the city manager shall be final, it being the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix all responsibility for such removal in the council. The city manager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the council. (Amend. of 6-12-73, Prop. No. 13; Amend. of 4-3-76, Prop. No. 4; Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. Nos. 2, 5, and 13)
The powers and duties of the city manager shall be as follows:
(1) To be responsible to the council for the proper administration of all the city affairs placed in the city manager’s hands, and shall to that end appoint and employ all directors of departments and other employees not otherwise provided for in this Charter or by ordinance. Appointments made by the city manager shall be on the basis of executive and administrative experience and ability and of training fitness and efficiency of such appointees in the work that they are to administer. All such directors of departments shall be immediately responsible to the city manager and may be removed by the city manager at any time.
(2) To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced.
(3) Except as otherwise provided by the Charter of the City of Dallas, to appoint and remove all heads of departments and all subordinate officers and employees of the city. All appointments must be upon merit and fitness alone, and, in the classified civil service, all appointments are subject to the civil service provisions of this Charter.
(4) To exercise control over all departments and subdivisions of departments created by the Charter, or that may hereafter be created by the council, except as hereinafter provided.
(5) To see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise are faithfully kept and performed and, upon knowledge of any violation of such terms and conditions, to call the matter to the attention of the city attorney, whose duty it shall be to take such steps as may be necessary to enforce such terms and conditions.
(6) To attend all meetings of the council, with the right to take part in the discussion, but having no vote. The city manager shall be entitled to notice of all special meetings.
(7) To recommend to the council for adoption such measures as the city manager may deem necessary or expedient.
(8) To keep the council at all times fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the city.
(9) To act as budget commissioner and prepare and submit to the council an annual budget after receiving estimates made by the directors or heads of the various departments of the city, and submit recommended capital programs.
(10) To see to it that the city lives within its budget.
(11) To execute deeds, deeds of trust, easements, releases, contracts, and all other legal instruments on behalf of the city when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the city council, and approved as to form by the city attorney.
(12) Appoint assistants and employees to fill the positions established by ordinance of the city council.
(13) When requested by the city council, to cause to be prepared an actuarial determination and appraisal of any or all city pension systems.
(14) In the absence or inability of the city manager, the city manager’s duties, including the execution of legal instruments, shall be performed by the assistant city managers in the order of precedence as may be designated by city ordinance, and the city manager may designate any of the assistant city managers to perform any of the powers and duties imposed on the city manager by this Charter.
(15) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter, or by ordinance or resolution of the council. (Amend. of 4-3-76, Prop. No. 4; Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. Nos. 5 and 13)