(a) There is hereby created an office to be known as the office of the inspector general. The head of this department shall be a competent practicing attorney of recognized ability, a certified inspector general, and shall be known as the inspector general. The inspector general shall serve as an independent investigative authority regarding misconduct involving fraud, corruption, ethics, waste, and abuse. The Code of Ethics and other ordinances should include the provisions necessary to ensure independence of the office of the inspector general.
(b) The inspector general shall be a resident of the City of Dallas. If at the time of appointment, the inspector general resides outside the City of Dallas, then he or she shall move into the city within a time period required by the city council. The inspector general shall be appointed by a majority vote of all the members of the city council and shall serve for a period of two years from the date of appointment and thereafter until a successor is appointed, unless sooner discharged by the council, and the inspector general shall not be discharged during the inspector general’s term of office except upon a 2/3 vote of all members of the city council. The inspector general shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the council. (Amend. of 11-5-24)
The inspector general shall have such assistants and employees as shall be provided by ordinance, and they shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the city council. Any assistant or employee may be discharged at any time by the inspector general. The inspector general and any assistant inspector general shall devote their entire time to the service of the city. All powers and duties imposed on the inspector general may be exercised and performed by any assistant under the direction of the inspector general. (Amend. of 11-5-24)
The inspector general shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Supervising and controlling the structure of the office of the inspector general.
(2) Initiating investigations and receiving and investigating complaints and tips regarding misconduct involving ethics, fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption of city officials, city employees, and persons doing business with the city.
(3) Examining the books, accounts, reports, vouchers, financial records, records of the city, documents, and tangible things relevant to the subject matter of an investigation regardless of their form.
(4) Submitting reports summarizing the findings of investigations and reviews completed by the inspector general.
(5) Acting, on behalf of the city, as liaison to law enforcement agencies regarding fraud and corruption investigations initiated by the office of the inspector general.
(6) Presenting ethics complaints regarding alleged or suspected violations of the city’s code of ethics before a commission created to make findings concerning the ethical nature of actions and conduct and recommending appropriate sanction.
(7) Doing all things necessary to carry out the functions set forth in this chapter. (Amend. of 11-5-24)