A quorum shall consist of nine members, except when the number of city council members, due to vacancies, is reduced to less than nine, in which event a quorum shall consist of all of the remaining city council members; but a less number than a quorum may adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance. (Amend. of 8-12-89, Prop. No. 1)
No member shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his or her own official conduct, where required by law, or where his or her financial interests are involved, and in these instances, the member shall not vote. The council shall determine its own rules of procedure, and may punish its members for misconduct, and may compel the attendance of absent members. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 13; Amend. of 11-4-14, Prop. No. 9)
The city council shall elect one of its members as mayor pro tem, who shall perform a specific duty of the mayor if the mayor is unable to discharge that specific duty, and who shall, during that time, be vested with all the powers belonging to the mayor to perform that specific duty. The council shall also elect one of its members as deputy mayor pro tem to act if both the mayor and the mayor pro tem are unable to discharge a specific duty and to exercise the powers of the mayor to perform that specific duty. (Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 13; Amend. of 11-4-14, Prop. No. 9)
The city council shall have power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers before it whenever it may be necessary for the more effective discharge of its duties, and shall have the power to punish for contempt before it with the same fines and penalties as the county judge may punish for contempt before the county court. All process shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city secretary and shall be served by the chief of police or any police officer of the said city.
The mayor, city secretary or any member of the city council shall have authority to administer oaths in any matter pertaining to municipal affairs.
(a) In the performance of the powers of government, it is the duty of the mayor and the city council to make suitable provision for the assurance of adequate and appropriate prior review and consideration of official actions to be taken by the city council, and to assure that a high performance level of services to the residents is maintained, responsiveness to the people is provided, and accountability in municipal government is assured. To this end, the city council shall:
(1) adopt rules of procedure governing the conduct of city council meetings and the introduction, consideration, and method of review of actions to be considered by the city council, consistent with the city manager’s authority to present directly to the entire city council the city manager’s operational agenda;
(2) create a standing finance committee of the city council charged with the responsibility for financial and audit oversight of the operations of city government;
(3) establish such additional standing committees and their duties as the city council determines is appropriate; and
(4) establish the process by which the committees shall conduct their business and review matters for city council consideration, consistent with the city manager’s authority to present directly to the entire city council the city manager’s operational agenda.
(b) The mayor shall appoint the members and chairs of all city council committees, and it shall be the duty of each member of the city council to serve and to participate on each committee to which the member is appointed. The mayor shall have the power to remove and reassign members to and from the various city council committees. (Amend. of 8-12-89, Prop. No. 2; Amend. of 11-5-24)
The city manager shall provide professional and administrative assistants to aid the council in the performance of its official duties. Assistants to individual council members shall be selected by the respective council members from a pool of applicants provided by the city manager. An individual council member may, at any time, require the city manager to reassign his or her council assistant and provide a pool of applicants from which the council member may select a new assistant. Personnel filling these positions shall not be subject to civil service. (Amend. of 6-12-73, Prop. No. 7; Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 2)