(a) All qualified electors of the state who reside within the city shall have the right to vote in all city elections.
(b) In this Charter, the terms “qualified voter,” “registered voter,” “qualified elector,” and “registered elector” are synonymous and may be used interchangeably. (Amend. of 4-3-76, Prop. No. 10; Amend. of 4-2-83, Prop. No. 4; Amend. of 5-1-93, Prop. No. 6)
No primary election shall be held for the selection of nominees to the city council unless specifically required by state law. General elections for the purpose of electing members of the city council shall be held according to state law. If state law does not restrict election dates, the city council shall by resolution or ordinance establish an election date on a uniform election date in odd-numbered years. The members elected shall compose the city council of the City of Dallas and shall serve for the terms provided in Chapter III of this Charter, or until their respective successors shall have been elected, qualified, and taken office. (Amend. of 4-2-83, Prop. No. 4; Amend. of 8-12-89, Prop. No. 1; Amend. of 5-3-97, Prop. No. 7; Amend. of 11-8-05, Prop. No. 6; Amend. of 11-5-24)