Mud Brook Interceptor Sewer
Mud Brook Interceptor Sewer
931.01 Definitions.
931.02 Connection permit required.
931.03 Tap-in fees.
931.04 Benefit units.
931.05 Disposition of tap-in fees.
931.06 Charges additional.
931.99 Penalty.
Request for utility service extension outside City - see S.U. & P. S. 921.02
Management of the sewer system - see S.U. & P. S. 925.04
Sewerage System Revenue Fund - see S.U. & P. S. 925.05
Connections required - see S.U. & P.S. 927.04
(a) "Interceptor sewer" means the Mud Brook Interceptor Sewer as shown on the plans for Summit County Sanitary Improvement No. 85.
(b) "Trunk sewer" means the Northeast and Northwest subordinate trunk sewers and the Kelsey Creek, Munroe Falls Avenue and Oneida Avenue sanitary sewers as shown on the plans for Summit County Sanitary Improvement No. 85.
(c) "Subtrunk sewer" means any sanitary sewer connected to a trunk sewer which serves as a collector of local sewers.
(d) "Local sewer" means any sanitary sewer connected to a subtrunk sewer which serves more than one customer.
(e) "Bilateral sewer" means a sanitary sewer connected directly to any one of the following: the interceptor sewer, a trunk sewer, a subtrunk sewer or a local sewer, terminating at the street or easement right-of-way line and intended to serve only one customer.
(f) "House connection" means a sanitary sewer connecting any structure to a lateral sewer.
(Ord. 184-1967. Passed 11-30-67.)
No person, corporation, partnership or association whatsoever shall, either directly or indirectly connect any building or other structure situated on property depicted as the tap-in district on the map on file in the office of the Director of Public Service, which map is reproduced in reduced scale on the four pages attached and incorporated in original Ordinance 67-1980 as Amended Exhibit "A", for the purpose of discharging sanitary sewage or industrial wastes therefrom without first securing a permit in accordance with Chapter 927 and depositing in cash, or by certified check, payable to the City, a tap-in fee in an amount determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 931.03.
(Ord. 67-1980. Passed 4-28-80.)
931.03 TAP-IN FEES.
The tap-in fees to be charged pursuant to this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Direct Tap-in to Interceptor or Trunk Sewer. For any tap-in direct to the interceptor sewer or a trunk sewer and requiring only a house connection or a house connection and lateral sewer to complete the service, the fee shall be eight hundred and eighty dollars and fifty cents ($880.50) for each benefit unit assigned to such connection plus the financing charge provided by subsection (e) hereof.
(b) Sewers Constructed by Private Parties. For any tap-in to a sewer system constructed by a party other than the City and connected to the interceptor sewer or a trunk sewer by means of subtrunk or local sewers, the fee shall be two hundred and eighty dollars and fifty cents ($280.50) for each unit of benefit assigned to the property served by such tap plus the financing charge provided by subsection (e) hereof.
(c) Sewers Constructed by the City. For any tap-in to a sewer constructed by the City and connected to the interceptor sewer or a trunk sewer by means of subtrunk or local sewers, the fee shall be eight hundred and eighty dollars and fifty cents ($880.50) for each unit of benefit assigned to the property served by such tap less a credit equal to the amount of any assessment levied or in the process of being levied against such property for subtrunk and/or local sewers, the maximum amount of such credit to be six hundred dollars ($600.00), plus the financing charge provided by subsection (e) hereof.
(d) Adjustment of Tap-in Fees. The tap-in fees set forth in subsections (a) through (c) hereof shall be subject to adjustment after the final cost of constructing Summit County Sanitary Improvement No. 85 has been determined to reflect actual construction costs and Federal grant moneys received for the project. Any person, corporation, partnership or association paying a tap-in fee based on the amounts set forth in subsections (a) through (c) hereof shall be reimbursed by the Director of Finance from the Sewer Revenue Fund for the difference between the amount originally paid and the amount of the adjusted tap-in fee if less than the original fee.
(e) Financing Charges. The initial tap-in fees set forth herein shall be increased by an amount equal to four percent of the initial fee on January 1, 1969, and on January 1 of each year thereafter until January 1, 1984. Such fees as so increased shall remain in effect and be the tap-in fees applicable during the calendar year in which the tap-in permit is obtained. Such incremental charges are designed to offset the interest costs incurred by the City in issuing notes and bonds to pay its share of the cost of constructing Summit County Sanitary Improvement No. 85.
(Ord. 184-1967. Passed 11-30-67.)