90.01 Purpose
90.02 Definitions
90.03 Running at large prohibited
90.04 Keeping dog constituting nuisance prohibited
90.05 Keeping dog constituting a vicious dog prohibited
90.06 Notification to owner of dog constituting a nuisance
90.07 Impounding of dogs running at large
90.08 Ascertaining ownership
90.09 Claiming impounded dogs
90.10 Enforcement of this subchapter and entry upon private premises
90.11 Unlawful to deprive of collar or kill any dog
90.12 License required
90.13 Payment of fees and issuance of license
90.14 Display of tag
90.15 Disease control
90.16 Authorization to issue citations
90.30 Definitions
90.31 Permit required for keeping livestock
90.32 Minimum lot size
90.33 Cleanliness of premises
90.34 Livestock noise
90.35 Suitable fencing
90.36 Permit procedures
90.37 Enforcement
90.38 Notification of animal constituting a nuisance
90.39 Permit revocation or cancellation
90.40 Violations
90.41 Livestock permit
90.42 Animal cruelty; unlawful acts designated
90.99 Penalty