17.83.010 Purpose.
   The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by establishing criteria for the conversion of existing multiple-family rental housing to condominiums, community apartments and stock cooperatives (because the City Council finds condominiums and community and stock cooperative apartments to be different from traditional apartments and similar structures and therefor intends to treat such conversion projects differently), to reduce the impact of such conversions on residents in rental housing who may be displaced by providing procedures for notification and adequate time for such relocation and to insure that the converted housing is consistent with the goals of the city’s General Plan by attempting to provide throughout the city an opportunity for a wide range of housing opportunities of all types, for all levels of income and in a variety of locations, and by attempting to maintain a supply of rental housing for low and moderate income persons and families.
(`78 Code, § 17.83.010.) (Ord. 1589 § 1 (part), 1981.)