17.74.030 Definitions.
   As used in this title, and any other provisions of this title, the following terms, words and phrases have the meanings as defined in this section unless another meaning is clearly apparent from the context:
   Abandoned sign means a sign related to a former business located on property which remains unoccupied for a period of one hundred twenty days or more, or any sign which was erected for an occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or business, and any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer exists.
   Animated or moving sign means any sign which is designed and constructed to attract attention by visual means through the movement, lighting, or special materials to depict action or create a special effect to imitate movement.
   Awning” means are roof-like covers made of fabric (such as canvas) that project from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements.
   Awning sign” means any sign copy or logo attached to or painted on the flap or valance of an awning.
   Backlit (Halo) channel lettering means a type of sign utilizing opaque channel lettering with an open back containing a light source which throws light onto the sign background against which the channel letters are silhouetted.
   Balloon.” Any air or gas filled balloon or blimp attached to a string, rope or similar ligature, and tethered to a fixed place or object, including motor vehicle.
   “Banner.” A temporary horizontal sign constructed of durable material that is fastened to the facade of a building for advertising purposes, which shall not be displayed for more than 180 days.
   Bench means a seat located upon or adjacent to public property for the use of a combination of passers-by or persons awaiting transportation.
   Billboard.” See "outdoor advertising sign."
   Blade (pendant or under canopy) sign  means a sign suspended beneath a projecting canopy, walkway cover, awning, or ceiling.
   Building face” means the general outer surface of a main exterior wall of the building. For example, a building with a rectangular plan has four main exterior walls and four building faces.
   Building identification sign.” A type of sign that is installed on a building that identifies the name of a business or service.
   Bulletin board” means a sign of permanent character, but with removable letters, words or numerals.
   Business and professional group” means two or more businesses or professions conducting business on one or more contiguous parcels of land or any portions of such parcels of land and which are in contiguous buildings or uses.
   Business sign” means a sign which directs attention to a principal business profession service or use located upon the premises.
   Cabinet (Can) sign means a sign that contains all the text and/or logo symbols within a single enclosed cabinet and may or may not be illuminated.
   Channel letters.”  Three dimensional, individually cut letters or figures, illuminated or non-illuminated, affixed to a building or sign structure.
   Construction or promotional signs means a sign with the intent of notifying the public that a project is “coming soon” or of the name of the architectural, engineering, construction firms engaged in the work on a construction site.
   Development sign” means a temporary sign listing the address or name of the architect, landscape architect, engineer, planner, contractor or other person or firm participating in the development, construction or financing of a project on the premises on which the sign is located.
   Direct light” means light which proceeds from its source to the viewer's eye without being diffused.
   Directional sign” means any freestanding nonflashing sign, other than a highway marker or any sign erected and maintained by a public authority, which is primarily designed, erected and maintained to serve as a public convenience in directing persons to a place of importance or interest, to a structure, or to a use situated within the city.
   Directly illuminated sign” means a sign designed to give forth artificial light directly or through transparent or translucent material from a source of light visible from the street or from abutting property, including but not limited to exposed tubing neon signs.
   Directory sign.”  A sign listing the tenants or occupants and their suite numbers of a residential, commercial, or industrial development project.
   Eave line.”  The bottom of a roof eave (overhang).
   Electric(al) sign means any sign utilizing electricity exterior/interior to illuminate its surface.
   Electronic message center means a sign having the capability of presenting variable advertising message displays by projecting an electronically controlled light pattern against a contrasting background, and which can be programmed to change such message display periodically. An electronic message center is neither an animated sign nor a simulated motion sign.
   Erect means to build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, relocate, enlarge, substantially alter or affix to or upon any surface, including the painting or otherwise applying of wall signs, posting or displaying. Normal maintenance is not included in this definition.
   Exterior illuminated sign.” A sign whose illumination is reflected from the light source by the sign surface to the viewer’s eye, the source of light not being visible to the viewer.
   Festoon.”  A curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful loops, usually installed on poles or light standards.
   Freestanding sign.”  A sign with a fixed location, such as a pylon or monument sign that is installed with a permanent foundation and not attached to any building.
   Freeway viewshed means an unobstructed view from the freeway to the place of business, taking into account the likely ultimate development of surrounding properties based on current general plan and zoning regulations.
   Grand opening.”  A promotional activity used by newly established businesses, occurring within 3-months following occupancy, to inform the public of their location and services or products available to the community. “Grand Opening” does not mean an annual or occasional promotion of retail sales by a business.
   “Icon.” See “Logo.”
   Illuminated sign” means a sign which emits or reflects lights from a source purposely placed to make the sign visible.
   “Indirectly illuminated sign.” A sign whose source of illumination is not part of the sign.
   Interior illuminated sign.”  A sign designed to emit artificial light directly, or through transparent or translucent material, from an interior light source.
   Kiosk” means a structure of four sides or less constructed to advertise off-site subdivision, tracts, public facility, apartments, community golf courses, or names of regional shopping centers occupying 15 acres or more, as authorized by an agreement with the city. Individual tenant identification is not authorized under this definition. Kiosk signs for regional shopping centers may list some or all of the tenants occupying space in the regional shopping center.
   “Light pole (standard) banner.” A vertical banner that is fastened to a light pole (standard) to attract attention for advertisement or decoration purposes.
   Logo (Icon).”  An identifying symbol or mark associated with a business or business entity.
   Marquee sign.”  A wall sign or monument sign with movable or changeable letters, words or numerals, erected for the purpose of publicizing current or coming attractions or events at a school, theater, arena, playhouse, auditorium or cinema.
   Monument sign.”  A freestanding sign with a solid base that is equal to, or greater than, the width of the sign face, and incorporates the architectural theme and building materials of the building(s) located on the property in which the sign serves.
   Nameplate means a sign serving to designate only the person or the name and professional occupation or home occupation of a person or persons residing in or occupying space in a building located on the premises on which the sign is located.
   Non-illuminated sign.”  A sign that is not illuminated.
   Off-site sign” means any sign which is not located on the business or activity site it identifies or advertises.
   On-site sign” means any sign which directs attention to an occupancy, business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered only upon the premises where the sign is located.
   "Outdoor advertising sign (Billboards)" means any sign with a commercial or non-commercial message, other than a directional sign, which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the premises where the sign is located, or to which it is affixed. Said definition shall not include subdivision or tract signs, political signs, signage affiliated with solar powered electric vehicle charging stations, or signs installed pursuant to a city sign program provided for in §§ 17.74.220, 17.74.230 or 17.74.240.
   Parcel identification sign” means a freestanding on-site sign such as a monument or pylon sign.
   Pennant means a long, tapering, usually triangular flag which is attached by a string to buildings and/or light standards and used for promotional purposes.
   Political sign” means any sign which is designed to influence the action of the voters with respect to the passage or defeat of a measure appearing on the ballot at any national, state or local election, or which is designed to influence the voters with respect to the nomination, election or defeat of a candidate for public office or the removal of any person from public office at any national, state or local election. "Political sign" includes any sign which is designed to encourage voters to vote for the candidates of a particular political party, and any sign pertaining to the conduct of government in general.
   Portable sign” means any sign capable of being carried or readily moved from one location to another, including but not limited to, any A-frame, sandwich sign, a sign on wheels, a sign which leans against a stationary object, building, or structure, or which is not designed to be permanently attached to a building, structure or to the ground or mounted on a vehicle not utilized for the daily operation of a business. This section shall not apply to banners, flags, pennants, balloons, or other types of approved advertising devices as provided for in § 17.74.080.
   Premises” means a lot or parcel of real property or portion thereof, which is used separately from other portions thereof, or any building located thereon, or any portion of such building, which has a separate street address.
   Pylon sign.” A freestanding sign that is permanently supported by one or more uprights, braces, or poles, or other similar structural components that are architecturally compatible with the main structure of the site.
   Real estate sign” means a sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which the sign is located and maintained excluding a subdivision sign.
   Relocated billboard.”  An existing billboard that is located in the city that is relocated through a City Council approved “Relocation Agreement.” The relocated billboard is not considered a new outdoor advertising sign.
   Roof line.” The upper edge of any building wall or parapet for a flat-roof structure; or the ridgeline of a gable roof structure.
   Roof sign” means any sign of any nature, together with all its parts and supports, exclusive of a sign tower, which is erected, constructed or maintained on or above the roof or parapet of any building.
   Sign” means any notice, writing of letters, words or numerals, pictorial presentations, illustrations or decorations, emblems or devices, symbols or trademarks, flags, banners or pennants, graphic announcements, insignia display, display of words, bills, posters, pictures, lithographs, maps, plats, barber poles, buntings, whirligigs, balloons, valances, light festoons, merchandise display or any other thing of similar nature, designed to be and used as a means of attracting attention outdoors, including but not limited to a structure or any part thereof, or a thing attached to, painted on, or in any manner represented on a building or structure or device and used to advertise or promote, and attract the interest of any person.
   Sign area.”
      (1)   Wall sign. The entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuous line composed of right angles which enclose the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark, or other graphic representation, together with any frame or structural trim forming an integral part of the display used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed.
      (2)   Pylon and monument signs. The entire area enclosing the extreme limits of representation, emblem or any figure or similar characters excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which such sign is placed, unless such supports, uprights or structures are designed in such a manner as to form an integral background of the display. Where a sign has two or more faces the area of all faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign except where two such faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than two feet from one another. The area of the sign shall be taken as the area of one face if the two faces are of equal area or as the area of the larger face if the two faces are of unequal area.
   Sign copy.”  Any words, letters, numbers, figures, designs, or any other symbolic representations incorporated onto the face of a sign, excluding building addresses.
   Sign height.”  The vertical distance measured from the highest point of the sign to the natural or finish grade at the mid-point of the base of the sign.
   Sign program.  A plan providing coordinated signing for a commercial or industrial centers, business or a group of contiguous businesses, and utilizing one or more common design elements, such as, but not limited to, colors, materials, lettering, illumination sign type, and sign shape.
   Sign structure” means the supports, uprights, braces and frameworks of a sign.
   Stationary sign” means a sign which does not revolve, oscillate, or move and has no flashing, blinking or moving lights.
   Subdivision or tract sign means a temporary on-site sign advertising the original sale of property in a subdivision. A subdivision or tract shall be that real property encompassed in a tentative tract map as approved by the Planning Commission. Tentative subdivisions which are contiguous and use the same name shall be considered a single subdivision for purposes of computing subdivision sign area and number.
   Symbol sign” means a sign, integral or attached to a structure or building, which identifies and directs attention to the enterprises, service, entertainment or goods sold on the premises on which the sign is located by means of pictorial presentation, emblem, trademark, or logo, but does not include any sign bearing a written message.
   "Temporary sign" means any sign constructed of paper, cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other similar lightweight materials, with or without frames which is displayed for a limited period of time in accordance with an approved banner permit, temporary use permit, special use permit or as described under § 17.74.040 and § 17.74.070(I).
   Time and temperature devices means any mechanism that displays the time or temperature, but does not display any advertising or establishment identification.
   Valances.”   Ornamental draperies hung across a top edge for decorative and advertisement purposes.
   Wall sign.”  A sign that is attached to the exterior wall of a structure with the display surface of the sign approximately parallel to the building wall.
   Wall mural.” A very large image, such as a painting or enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall.
   Whirligigs.”   Something that continuously spins or whirls to attract attention for advertisement or decoration purposes.
   Window sign” means any temporary sign posted, painted, or affixed in or on a window exposed to public view.
(`78 Code, § 17.74.030.) (Ord. 3158 § 3, 2013; Ord. 3058 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2958 § 1 (part), 2008; Ord. 2940 § 1 (part), 2008; Ord. 2881 § 1, 2007; Ord. 2770 § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 2729 § 4, 2004; Ord. 2529 § 1, 2001; Ord. 2482 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2144 § 1, 1993; Ord. 2048 § 2, 1991; Ord. 1941 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1916 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1829 § 1, 1987; Ord. 1660 § 1, 1982; Ord. 1613 § 1, 1981.)