17.74.230 Signs and banners on and around City-owned sports facilities.
   Notwithstanding § 17.74.080, the City of Corona may install, or permit the installation of, signs and/or banners on City-owned light poles, fencing, scoreboards, and buildings that are part of or adjacent to sports facilities in City parks. The City Manager shall establish a written sports facility sign and banner program to regulate the installation of such signs and banners. The sign and banner program shall require that all signs and banners to be installed propose a commercial transaction. Signs and banners shall be installed in compliance with the sign and banner program established by the City Manager. National, state, or local flags may be installed by the City of Corona without compliance with a banner program. The intent of this section is to create a nonpublic forum open for a limited purpose on or around sports facilities in City-owned parks, purely for the purpose of raising revenue and not to create a public forum dedicated to expressive activities.
(Ord. 2889 § 2, 2007.)