17.74.040 Exemptions.
   Except as expressly provided for in this section, the provisions and regulations of this chapter and title shall not apply to the following signs, nor shall the area of such signs be counted toward the maximum allowable sign area for any premises or use.
   (A)   Directional sign. The city has a compelling interest in permitting directional signs in order to promote traffic safety. Directional signs shall be permitted on-site in addition to the other signs listed in this section.
      (1)   A directional sign used to give directions to traffic or pedestrians or to give instructions as to special conditions shall not exceed a total of six square feet in area per sign.
      (2)   A parcel of land which meets all of the following criteria may have one directional sign up to a maximum area of 100 square feet and a maximum height of 40 feet:
         (a)   The parcel of land to which the directional sign pertains is bifurcated as a direct result of an eminent domain proceeding in connection with a public improvement project initiated by the city.
         (b)   The visibility of the parcel of land to which the directional sign pertains is directly and significantly affected by the public improvement project initiated by the city.
         (c)   The directional sign is located on land which had been a part of the parcel of land that was bifurcated as a direct result of the public improvement project initiated by the city.
         (d)   The directional sign is located within 175 feet of the closest edge of the parcel of land to which the directional sign pertains and gives directions only to the parcel.
         (e)   The directional sign identifies no more than two nonresidential tenants or businesses operating on the parcel to which the directional sign pertains.
         (f)   A maximum of one directional sign shall be permitted per parcel to which the directional sign pertains.
         (g)   No part of the parcel of land to which the directional sign pertains is zoned or used for residential purposes.
         (h)   A sign permit has been issued for the directional sign pursuant to § 17.74.050.
   (B)   The city has a compelling interest in permitting such signs that promote public safety and places of service or interest, such as signs identifying restrooms, public telephones, walkways and similar features or facilities; provided such signs do not exceed no more than two square feet and contain no advertising message.
   (C)   Signs that are inset or cut into the surface or the facade of the building but not projecting more than two inches from the surface.
   (D)   The city has a compelling interest for public safety in permitting traffic or municipal signs, signs required by law that promote public safety such as, railroad crossing signs, legal notices, and emergency or danger notices; provided such signs shall not exceed twelve square feet unless otherwise specified by law, contain no advertising message and shall not be more than one sign per street frontage unless otherwise required by law.
   (E)   The city has compelling interest in allowing emergency, temporary or non-advertising signs that promote public safety and whose placement is authorized by the City Council, except those as described in § 17.74.090 (Construction or Promotional signs) and § 17.74.110 (Subdivision or tract signs).
   (F)   The city has a compelling interest in authorizing signs of public utility companies and private contractors that indicate danger or which serve as an aid to public safety, or which show the location of underground facilities.
   (G)   One real estate sign per street frontage provided such sign:
      (1)   Is located entirely on the property offered for sale or lease, or other private property with the respective owner's consent;
      (2)   Does not exceed the height limitations of the zone and is placed outside of any corner cut-off area as defined in § 17.70.050;
      (3)   Does not exceed the following size limitations:
         (a)   Five square feet in area for properties located within the R-1 or R-2 zones, or properties located within a low density residential designation in a specific plan.
         (b)   Thirty-two square feet in area for properties located within the C, M, A or R-3 zones, or properties located within similar land use designations in a specific plan.
      (4)   Is removed upon the close of escrow or when the rental or lease of the premises has been executed whichever occurs first.
   (H)   House numbers, nameplates, "No Trespassing," "No Parking," and other warning signs provided the sign:
      (1)   Does not exceed two square feet; and
      (2)   Is located entirely on-site.
   (I)   Signs located in the interior of any building or within an enclosed lobby and located to be viewed exclusively by patrons of such use or uses.
   (J)   One bulletin board per street frontage for public, nonprofit, charitable or religious institutions provided the board:
      (1)   Does not exceed thirty-two square feet in area;
      (2)   Contains no commercial advertising message;
      (3)   Is located on the premises of said institution.
   (K)   Signs which are located within an athletic field, race track or similar recreational areas on private property which are not visible from the public or private streets, public areas or adjacent properties.
   (L)   The symbol or flag of the United States of America, State of California, or city and any standard or frame supporting said flag or symbol.
   (M)   Political signs as defined by § 17.74.030, including their supporting structures, provided that:
      (1)   No political sign shall be posted on any public property or in the public right-of-way. Political signs posted on public property or on the public right-of-way are subject to immediate removal by city forces without prior written or verbal notification.
      (2)   No political sign shall be posted in the corner cutoff area, as defined in § 17.70.050, except in accordance with the requirements of § 17.70.040. Political signs posted in the corner cut-off areas are subject to immediate removal by city forces without prior written or verbal notification.
      (3)   All political signs pertaining to a particular election shall be removed within ten days after the date of the election. Any political sign that remains posted for more than ten days after the election to which it pertains shall also be deemed abandoned. The Planning Director may cause the summary removal by city forces of such abandoned signs and any signs which constitute an immediate peril to persons or property without further notice. The removal of abandoned signs by city forces is subject to cost recovery as provided for in this subsection.
      (4)   All signs that have been confiscated by the city will be stored for a period of ten days from the date of the notification letter. In the event the signs are not reclaimed after the ten-day storage period, the signs will be discarded.
      (5)   The cost of removal of any sign by city forces pursuant to this section shall be borne by the actual responsible party or the candidate's designated agent. The cost of such removal under this section shall be the actual cost or the standard cost pursuant to an amount as set by resolution of the City Council.
      (6)   After such removal, the actual responsible party or the candidate's designated agent shall be served with a statement of cost. Notice shall be given that the determination stated in the statement of costs may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 1.09 of this Code. In addition and notwithstanding the provisions of § 1.09.040, the appellant shall be responsible for paying all costs of such appeal.
      (7)   If no appeal is timely filed, the costs shall become a civil debt owing to the city. An action may be commenced in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover the amount specified.
      (8)   If the appeal is timely filed, the decision of the hearing officer shall be final.
   (N)   Flags used pursuant to a model home permit.
   (O)   Memorial tablets, historical or identification plaques installed by a recognized governmental agency. The city has a compelling interest in permitting such signs to promote interest in the community's historical structures or events and to promote community identity, history and cultural resources.
   (P)   Flags or emblems of a political, civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organization not exceeding 24 square feet in area shall be permitted on premises occupied by such organizations.
   (Q)   Signage affiliated with Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
(`78 Code, § 17.74.030.) (Ord. 3387 § 4, 2024; Ord. 3058 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2883 § 13 (part), 2007; Ord. 2864 § 3, 2006; Ord. 2729 § 4, 2004; Ord. 2426 § 1, 1999; Ord. 2286 § 1, 1996; Ord. 2275 §§ 1, 2, 3, 1995; Ord. 2146 § 1, 1993; Ord. 1941 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1829 § 2, 1987; Ord. 1660 § 2, 1982.)