(A) Transferor. An operator shall, upon final transfer of any oil well, immediately notify the Agency in writing requesting its inspection of such well. Within ten days after any such transfer by sale, assignment, conveyance, exchange or otherwise, the transferor shall give written notice of the transfer to the Agency with the following information:
(1) The name and address of the person to whom such well was transferred;
(2) The name and location of the well;
(3) The date of transfer;
(4) The date when possession was relinquished by the former operator;
(5) A description of the properties and equipment transferred.
(B) Transferee. Every person who acquires any oil well, property or equipment relating to oil production, whether by purchase, transfer, assignment, conveyance, exchange or otherwise, shall within ten days after acquiring such well, property or equipment notify the Agency in writing of his or her acquired interest. The notice shall contain the following:
(1) The name and address of the person from whom such well, equipment and property was acquired;
(2) The name and location of the well;
(3) The date of acquisition;
(4) The date when possession was acquired;
(5) The person designated for service of notice and address.
(`78 Code, § 14.16.140.)