(A) If a well is to be drilled or redrilled within 150 feet of any structure or street right-of-way, the operator shall notify the Agency after the operating equipment is securely in place and prior to commencement of drilling. If the operator anticipates an inspection to be made during the night on a weekend or holiday, he or she shall notify the Agency during a working day as to the approximate time and date the operator will be ready for the inspection. An operator shall not commence drilling until the Agency has made an inspection and given approval to so commence. The Secretary shall make the Agency’s inspection within a reasonable time after receiving notice from the operator and shall not give his or her approval until the applicant has complied with all the applicable provisions of the city’s code.
(B) The operator shall notify the Agency after the completion of drilling operations, and the Agency shall make a final inspection of the drill site.
(C) The Agency shall make an annual inspection of each well within the city and shall keep a record of the wells inspected and its findings as to each well. The Agency shall furnish a report of the inspection to the operator of the well or wells.
(`78 Code, § 14.16.060.)