13.12.200 Enforcement – Appeal.
   Any order, requirement, decision, determination, interpretation or ruling made by the Director in the administration or enforcement of this chapter may be appealed therefrom to the City Council by any owner or person aggrieved thereby. The appeal shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk within 15 days after the rendition in writing of the decision or determination appealed from. If the appeal is not filed within the time period, it shall be dismissed by the City Council. The appeal shall be filed in writing and must set forth specifically wherein there was some error or abuse of discretion by the Director. Upon hearing the appeal, the City Council shall consider the record and such additional evidence as may be offered and may affirm, reverse or modify in whole or in part the order, requirement, decision, determination or interpretation appealed from or make and substitute such other additional decisions or determination as it may find warranted under the provisions of this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 13.12.200.) (Ord. 3346 § 4, 2022; Ord. 1682 § 3, 1983.)