A. FACILITIES CONNECTION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. To protect the general health and welfare of the City it is required that all new construction of any residence, dwelling or building following the publication date of this ordinance, be connected to the City Facilities when such City Facilities become available. If the City Facilities are not immediately available, the owner of each new residence, dwelling or building shall be subject to a misdemeanor penalty as described in Section 1-109 of the City code if such Facilities connection is not made within one (1) year after the City Facilities become available.
B. SEWER CONNECTIONS FOR EXISTING RESIDENCE, DWELLING OR BUILDING. To protect the general health and welfare of the City it is required that the liquid wastes from any plumbing system of any residence, dwelling or building be discharged to the public sewer system. The owner of each existing residence, dwelling or building as of the date of this published ordinance, to which Sewer Service becomes available shall be subject to a misdemeanor penalty as described in Section 1-109 of the City Code if such connection is not made within five (5) years after the property has been assessed and the Sewer Service becomes available.
C. WATER CONNECTIONS FOR EXISTING RESIDENCE, DWELLING OR BUILDING. To protect the general health and welfare of the City it is required that the owner of each existing residence, dwelling or building as of the date of this published ordinance, to which Waterworks become available shall be subject to a misdemeanor penalty as described in Section 1-109 of the City Code herein if such connection is not made within eight (8) years after the Waterworks become available.
[Chapter 14, Article III § 14-305, added by Ord. No. 06-01, effective March 2, 2006, amended by Ord. No. 12-06, effective July 12, 2012.]