Where there are practical difficulties or hardships in requiring Sewer Service and Waterworks connections for an existing residence, dwelling or building, the property owner may apply to the City Clerk for a deferral from the connection deadlines.
   A.   SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION DEFERRAL APPLICATION. In applying for a deferral from the City’s five (5) year required Sewer Service connection and eight (8) year required Waterworks connection once each become available, as required by Section 14-305,the applicant shall show to the City Clerk that the applicant is unable to connect within the required timeframe because the applicant is: (1) over 65 years of age; (2) permanently and totally disabled; or (3) that it would be a financial hardship for the applicant to connect the Sewer Service or Waterworks. The applicant shall provide their adjusted gross income when illustrating that it would be a hardship to connect the Sewer Service or Waterworks. The City Clerk shall make a determination as whether or not to grant the Sewer Service or Waterworks connection deferral.
   B.   APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Should the City Clerk deny the request to defer the Sewer Service and Waterworks connection, the applicant may appeal the City Clerk’s decision to the City Council.
[Chapter 14, Article III § 14-323, added by Ord. No. 06-01, effective March 2, 2006]