5-1-1: Definitions
5-1-2: Administration And Enforcement
5-1-3: Licensing Of Dogs And Cats
5-1-4: Kennels
5-1-5: Wild And Exotic Animals
5-1-6: Domestic Livestock
5-1-7: Rabies Control
5-1-8: Disposition Of Dead Animals
5-1-9: Prohibited Activities
5-1-10: Impoundment
5-1-11: Records Maintenance
5-1-12: Exemptions To Regulations



1. NMSA § 3-18-3.
As used in this Chapter, the following words and terms shall, unless the context indicates a different meaning, have the meaning given herein:
   ANIMAL: Any vertebrate, excluding man.
   ANIMAL SHELTER: Any establishment authorized by the Village of Cloudcroft for the care and custody of impounded animals.
   BITE: A puncture or tear of the skin inflicted by the teeth of an animal.
   CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief of Police of the Village of Cloudcroft.
   EXOTIC ANIMAL: An animal which is rare or different from ordinary domesticated animals and is not indigenous to the State of New Mexico.
   KEEPER: Any person who owns, harbors, keeps, or has control or custody of an animal for more than six (6) days; provided, that this term shall not apply to veterinarians or kennel owners temporarily maintaining on their premises animals owned by others.
   KENNEL: Any establishment or premises where dogs or cats are boarded or kept.
   MAYOR: The Mayor of the Village of Cloudcroft or his or her designated representative.
   NUISANCE: Means, but is not limited to, disturbing the peace, emitting noxious or offensive odors, or otherwise endangering or offensive to the environment of the Village of Cloudcroft.
   PERSON: Any individual, household, firm, partnership, corporation, society, association and every agent and employee thereof.
   QUARANTINE: To detain or isolate an animal suspected of being infected with rabies.
   RUNNING AT LARGE: An animal off the premises of the keeper and not under the direct control of a competent person. Direct control means connected by a secure leash not over six feet (6') in length or some other equivalent means of direct control.
   STRAY OR ESTRAY: Any animal where there is no identifiable keeper.
   VACCINATION: The vaccination of an animal with an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the State Veterinarian and administered by and under the supervision of a veterinarian.
   VETERINARIAN: Any veterinarian licensed in the State of New Mexico.
   VICIOUS ANIMAL: Any animal which commits an unprovoked attack upon a person on private property, or which terrorizes or attacks a person on public property or in a public place.
   VILLAGE: That area lying within the corporate boundaries of the Village of Cloudcroft.
   WILD ANIMAL: Any animal which is wild by nature and cannot normally be domesticated or controlled. (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978; amd. 2000 Code)