A. Required: Every keeper of any dog or cat three (3) months of age or older shall procure a license. License fees shall be paid annually and the full amount shall be paid for any fraction of the licensing year. Upon collection of the license fee by the Village, a dated and numbered certificate shall be issued stating the name and address of the owner, rabies tag number and the animal's description. (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978; amd. 2000 Code)
B. Proof Of Rabies Vaccination: No dog or cat shall be licensed without proof of rabies vaccination as provided in this Chapter. (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978)
C. Certificates And Tags: The current Village license and rabies tags shall be affixed to the licensed dog or cat at all times, except when the dog is being kept in an approved kennel, veterinary hospital or training class. The original license and tag and the rabies certificate and tag of all dogs and cats shall be retained by the owner and shall be available for inspection by any person charged with the enforcement of this Chapter. (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978; amd. 2000 Code)
D. Loss Of License Tag: In the event the original license tag is lost, the keeper shall obtain a duplicate tag from the Village at a cost of one dollar ($1.00). (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978)
E. Fee: The annual license fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) for a neutered dog or cat, and shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) for an unneutered dog or cat. (Ord. 85, 5-9-1978; amd. 2000 Code)