Enforcement and Penalty
1345.01   Inspections authorized; fees.
1345.02   Right of entry.
1345.021   License to enter adjoining property.
1345.03   Notice of violation; legal service; no notice for emergency or same prior violation.
1345.04   Remedies for noncompliance with notice.
1345.05   Cases of emergency; order of immediate compliance.
1345.06   Placards ordering vacation of premises.
1345.07   Demolition expenses and costs.
1345.08   Rules and regulations by Commissioner.
1345.09   Right of appeal; fee.
1345.10   Appeal powers of Board.
1345.11   Penalty does not preclude other remedial action.
1345.99   Penalty.
Removal of unsafe structures - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B), 715.261, 715.27(A)
Board of Zoning Appeals - see ZON. Ch. 1109