§ 135 List of Persons in Classified Service
   The Civil Service Commission shall maintain a list of all persons in the classified service, showing in connection with each name the position held, the date and character of each appointment and every subsequent change in status. Each appointing officer shall promptly transmit to the Commission all information required for the establishment and maintenance of such list. The Treasurer shall not pay, nor shall the Commissioner of Accounts issue a voucher for the payment of, any salary or compensation to any person holding a position in the classified service unless the payroll or account of such salary or compensation shall bear the certificate of the Civil Service Commission that the persons named therein have been appointed or employed and are performing service in accordance with the civil service provisions of this Charter and the rules established thereunder. Any sums paid contrary to the provisions of this section may be recovered from any officer paying or authorizing the payment thereof and from the surety on his official bond.
(Effective November 9, 1931)