Employees in the classified service who were hired in their current position on or before August 6, 2008 and who serve in that position for 90 consecutive days or longer without test by the Commission, who meet the qualifications for that position, and who have an employment record that is satisfactory shall become regular employees in that position without test. Any employee who becomes a regular employee in his or her position under this section is not eligible to apply for any other position in the classified service without test and compliance with all other provisions of the laws of the City of Cleveland and rules promulgated by the Commission.
(Effective November 4, 2008)
No person shall be appointed or employed in the service of the City under any title not appropriate to the duties to be performed, and no person shall be transferred to or assigned to perform any duties of a position subject to competitive test unless he shall have been appointed to the position from which the transfer is made as a result of competitive test equivalent to that required for the position to be filled.
(Effective November 8, 1938)
Wherever practicable, vacancies shall be filled by promotion. Any advancement in rank or increase in salary beyond the limits fixed for the grade shall constitute a promotion. Lists shall be created and promotions made therefrom of candidates in the same manner as in original appointments, except that the Commission shall certify the names and addresses of the three candidates standing highest on the eligible list for the class or grade to which the promotional position belongs and the appointing authority shall appoint one of the three persons whose names are certified; and provided, however, that less than three shall constitute an eligible list, and the appointing authority shall appoint from the eligible list.
(Effective November 3, 2015)
The lists of eligibles based upon tests held by the Civil Service Commission, with the respective grades of candidates, shall be open to public inspection. Any person appointed from an eligible list laid off for lack of work or appropriation shall be placed at the head of such eligible list and shall be eligible for reappointment for the period of eligibility provided by the rules of the Commission.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
The Civil Service Commission shall maintain a list of all persons in the classified service, showing in connection with each name the position held, the date and character of each appointment and every subsequent change in status. Each appointing officer shall promptly transmit to the Commission all information required for the establishment and maintenance of such list. The Treasurer shall not pay, nor shall the Commissioner of Accounts issue a voucher for the payment of, any salary or compensation to any person holding a position in the classified service unless the payroll or account of such salary or compensation shall bear the certificate of the Civil Service Commission that the persons named therein have been appointed or employed and are performing service in accordance with the civil service provisions of this Charter and the rules established thereunder. Any sums paid contrary to the provisions of this section may be recovered from any officer paying or authorizing the payment thereof and from the surety on his official bond.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
The official in charge of personnel administration pursuant to appointment by the Mayor shall establish standards of efficiency and conduct for the officers and employees in the classified service. It shall be his duty to adopt and administer a plan for the equitable and periodic measurement of such conduct and efficiency. It shall also be his duty to maintain complete records of such measurements which shall be used in determining eligibility for increases in rates of compensation; by appointing officers and the Civil Service Commission for assistance in determining the order of layoff and in disciplinary actions; by the Civil Service Commission for assistance in determining eligibility for promotion; and by other officers, as needed, for the betterment of the public service.
(Effective November 6, 1951)
The Civil Service Commission may make investigations concerning the facts in respect to the execution of the civil service provisions of this Charter and of the rules established thereunder, and concerning the general condition of the civil service of the City or any branch thereof. Written charges of misconduct or inefficiency against any officer or employee in the classified service may be filed with the Civil Service Commission by any person. The Commission shall investigate such charges and report its findings to the authority responsible for the appointment of the officer or employee against whom the charges have been made. Each member of the Commission or any person whom the Commission may appoint to make any investigation authorized or required by this section, shall have power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers pertinent to the investigation and to administer oaths to such witnesses.
(Effective November 9, 1931)