645.01   Definitions
645.02   Display of Prescription Drug Prices
645.03   Regulations and Exemptions
645.04   Failure to Post Prices; Enforcement
645.99   Penalty
   Adulterated or misbranded drugs or cosmetics, CO 241.24
   Penalty, CO 643.99
   Regulations for unit pricing, CO Ch. 647
   Unconscionable trade practices defined, CO 641.12
§ 645.01 Definitions
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Current selling prices” means the price to be paid by the retail purchaser to the pharmacy for a prescription drug.
   (b)   “Prescription drugs” means any drug which may be dispensed only with a physician’s prescription.
   (c)   “Pharmacy” means any retail outlet selling prescription drugs within the City of Cleveland.
(Ord. No. 709-74. Passed 7-29-74, eff. 8-1-74)
§ 645.02 Display of Prescription Drug Prices
   Every pharmacy must post at each counter over which prescription drugs are sold, a list conspicuously displaying the current selling price of the drugs by their common generic and brand names designated on a form prescribed for that purpose by the Office of Fair Housing and Consumer Affairs.
(Ord. No. 1329-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10)
§ 645.03 Regulations and Exemptions
   The Manager of Fair Housing and Consumer Affairs shall promulgate regulations, under Section 643.06, designating those prescription drugs which because of the frequency with which they are prescribed, shall be posted under Section 645.02. The Manager may exempt from such regulation such drugs whenever he or she finds that, because of the nature of such prescription drugs, compliance with Section 645.02 is unreasonably burdensome and unnecessary for adequate protection of consumers. The Manager shall promulgate such other regulations as shall be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to, requirements as to the manner of display of prescription drug prices and other information related to prescription drugs.
(Ord. No. 1329-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10)
§ 645.04 Failure to Post Prices; Enforcement
   Failure to post prices, as required in Section 645.02, constitutes an unconscionable trade practice under the provisions of Section 641.12, and is otherwise subject to all the legal remedies and penalties available to the Manager, who is authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 1329-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10)