§ 133.23 Property Adoption and Licensing
   The Director may agree to allow, with the approval of the Board of Control, any business or other entity to maintain, improve, and adopt real estate belonging to the City and not in charge of another department; provided, however, that such real estate is no greater in area than two hundred (200) square feet and that the improvements are for solely for beautification of the real estate. Any business or entity adopting property shall be entitled to have such property designated in its name and the Director is authorized to evaluate and present awards to the best maintained property. The Director shall establish rules and regulations for property adoption. A copy of each proposed Property Adoption Agreement is to be provided to the Clerk of Council at least fourteen (14) days prior to approval by the Board of Control. Any such adoption shall not be construed as the conveyance of any right, title or interest in public property but merely as the grant of a privilege, revocable at will.
(Ord. No. 521-2024. Passed 7-10-24, eff. 7-16-24) (BOC Res. No. 377-24. Adopted 8-7-24)