§ 133.44 Acceptance of Gifts
   (a)   The Director of Parks and Recreation is authorized to accept gifts of money, material, or services, for the various divisions of the department unconditionally given or limited by conditions as the donor may impose. The Director shall report the acceptance of each gift to the Clerk of the City Council.
   (b)   All moneys accepted under this section shall be placed to the credit of the Department of Parks and Recreation in a special revenue fund. The moneys deposited in the special revenue fund shall be expended for the benefit of the Department of Parks and Recreation, or in the manner and for the specific purpose named in the gift. If the donor has imposed limitations to their gift, then separate subfunds may be created in the special revenue fund to deposit the gifts.
   (c)   Expenditures from the fund or subfunds created by this section shall be made on vouchers signed by the Director of Parks and Recreation, or the director’s designee, when the amount is less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); otherwise such expenditure shall first be authorized by ordinance of Council in the manner provided in Charter Section 108.
   (d)   No part of any funds credited to the accounts shall be paid to or for the benefit of any officer or employee, either as additional compensation or as reimbursement for expenses incurred, or paid for purposes other than those directly benefiting the Department of Parks and Recreation. The funds received under this section shall be expended in the same manner as other public funds, unless specifically provided for in the terms of the gift, or authorized by resolution or ordinance of Council.
(Ord. No. 521-2024. Passed 7-10-24, eff. 7-16-24) (BOC Res. No. 377-24. Adopted 8-7-24)