§ 533.15 Tampering with Meters; Fee
   (a)   No person shall tamper, or cause or knowingly permit the tampering of, any component of a Division of Water system ("System"), including but not limited to:
      (1)   Breaking the seal on a water meter or bypass valve;
      (2)   Removing a water meter from the meter setting;
      (3)   Installing an unapproved bypass around the meter, or drawing water before the meter;
      (4)   Damaging the water meter or related components;
      (5)   Reversing the water meter;
      (6)   Removing the meter register;
      (7)   Causing the meter register to not register or to under register;
      (8)   Cutting or disconnecting the wire between the meter and the endpoint;
      (9)   Removing or damaging the endpoint;
      (10)   Opening the curb stop or other meter bypass valve or other Division of Water control valve that the Division of Water has shut off, without the Division of Water's prior authorization;
      (11)   Using water from a hydrant or other unmetered part of water system without the Division of Water's prior authorization, except that municipal firefighting and service department use are allowed uses not requiring pre-authorization;
      (12)   Using water from a private fireline for other than firefighting and testing purposes; or
      (13)   Improperly tapping or tying into an existing water main or service connection.
   (b)   Any person found by the Division of Water to have violated division (a) of this section shall be subject to any or all of the following:
      (1)   The Tampering Fees as specified in Section 535.06;
      (2)   The labor and material costs to repair any damaged equipment;
      (3)   The payment of the cost of twice the estimated amount of water which has not been registered because of tampering with a System, billed at the applicable additional MCF rate; and
      (4)   Shutting or re-shutting off of water service in accordance with the Division of Water's Rules and Regulations.
(Ord. No. 178-2021. Passed 10-25-21, eff. 11-24-21)