§ 3139.02 Standard Compliance Code
   Except as otherwise provided in OBBC and this Building Code and except where more restrictive provisions govern, all mechanical refrigeration systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, operated, and maintained, and all alterations, relocations, inspections, and tests shall be made, in conformity with the provisions of ANSI B9.1 entitled “Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration”, as listed in Section 3101.07.
§ 3139.03 Definitions and Classifications
   (a)   In application and interpretation of this chapter, the classifications of refrigerants and the definitions included in ANSI B9.1 shall apply.
   (b)   The following additional definitions shall also apply:
      (1)   “Alteration of a refrigerating system” means any change involving an extension or addition to the system; a change in refrigeration from a refrigerant of one (1) group classification to a refrigerant of another group classification; an increase in the quantity of refrigerant contained in the system; a change in the arrangement, type, or purpose of the original installation; a change in the size of the equipment utilized; relocation of a compressor, generator, condenser, condensing unit, or evaporator; or replacement of any equipment, part, or installation which is not in conformity with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code;
      (2)   “Repair of a refrigerating system” means a replacement or renewal of any part of an existing system, including replacement of an existing compressor, condenser, generator, evaporator, or condensing unit, with material or part of like type, make, and capacity, for the purpose of its maintenance; provided that when such replacement or renewal is of a part not in conformity with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code, such replacement or renewal shall be deemed to be an “alteration.”
§ 3139.04 Permits Required
   (a)   A permit shall be required for every new installation or alteration of a refrigerating system, except window units.
   (b)   No permit for a refrigerating system containing a Group three (3) refrigerant shall be issued and no such system shall be installed except after approval by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals given upon submission of acceptable evidence that no public hazard will be created thereby. A refrigerating system containing a Group three (3) refrigerant shall be installed in conformity with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code and in conformity with the conditions of approval specified by the Board.
   (c)   No permit shall be required for repair of a refrigerating system.
   (d)   Where a permit is not required by OBBC and this Building Code, such exemption shall apply only to the requirement for a permit, and all installations, alterations, or repairs, whether made with or without a permit, shall be made in conformity with OBBC and this Building Code.
   (e)   Whenever the proposed installation is of such extent that it cannot be adequately described on the application for the permit, the application shall be accompanied by such drawings and descriptive data as are required to verify compliance with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code.
   (f)   Required permits shall be issued only to installers registered or authorized to do such work under the applicable provisions of Chapter 3107.
§ 3139.05 Work to be Concealed
   No part of a refrigerating system for which a permit is required by OBBC and this Building Code shall be concealed until it has been tested by the installer in the presence of the authorized representative of the Commissioner and inspected and approved by such representative. It shall be the duty of the installer to give twenty-four (24) hours’ advance notice to the Commissioner when such work is ready for test.
§ 3139.06 Certificates of Operation
   (a)   When Required. A Certificate of Operation shall be required for all refrigerating systems which contain a Group three (3) refrigerant, or contain more than five (5) pounds of a Group two (2) refrigerant, or more than twenty (20) pounds of a Group one (1) refrigerant. In determining the quantity of refrigerant contained within a refrigerating system the Commissioner may accept the certified statement of the manufacturer or the certified statement of a registered installer of refrigerating systems. Unless an existing refrigerating system is certified by the manufacturer or by a registered installer of refrigerating systems as containing twenty (20) pounds or less of a Group one (1) refrigerant or five (5) pounds or less of a Group two (2) refrigerant, each such system containing a Group three (3) refrigerant, and each such system containing a Group one (1) refrigerant and having a motor of one (1) HP or more, shall be required to have a Certificate of Operation.
   (b)   New and Altered Systems. A refrigerating system which has been installed or altered under a required permit shall not be operated more than five (5) days unless a Certificate of Operation has been issued by the Commissioner.
   (c)   Existing Refrigerating Systems.
      (1)   Existing refrigerating systems operated under authority of a certificate of inspection issued prior to June 27, 1949, may continue to operate under such certificate of inspection until the expiration date of such certificate. Subsequent to the expiration date of such certificate of inspection, such refrigerating system shall be operated only if a required Certificate of Operation has been issued by the Commissioner.
      (2)   An existing refrigerating system for which a certificate of inspection was not previously issued and for which a Certificate of Operation is required under the provisions of subsection (a) hereof, shall not be operated for more than six (6) months after June 27, 1949, unless a Certificate of Operation has been issued by the Commissioner.
   (d)   Issuing of Certificates.
      (1)   Whenever a refrigerating system has been installed or altered under a required permit and such system has been completed in conformity therewith and with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and has been inspected, tested, and approved by the Commissioner, the Commissioner shall issue a Certificate of Operation to the person, firm or corporation installing or altering such system, for delivery to the owner, authorizing the operation of such system. It shall be the duty of the installer to give twenty-four (24) hours’ advance notice to the Commissioner when such work is ready for test.
      (2)   A Certificate of Operation shall be issued for a refrigerating system installed prior to June 27, 1949, when such system has been inspected and found to be in safe operating condition.
   (e)   Revocation. The Commissioner may revoke a Certificate of Operation issued for a refrigerating system whenever the Commissioner finds on inspection that such system is not being maintained in safe operating condition. Notice of revocation may be given in person or by registered mail to the owner of such system or to the person holding a Certificate of Qualification to operate such system. Whenever such notice is given, operation of such system shall cease within the time period specified in such notice and such system shall not again be operated until it has been placed in a safe operating condition and a new Certificate of Operation issued.
   (f)   Operation Without Certificate Prohibited. Operation of a refrigerating system without a required Certificate of Operation shall be a violation of OBBC and this Building Code and subject to penalties provided by Section 3103.99.
   (g)   Each Certificate of Operation shall be affixed, under glass, in a location adjacent to the compressor or generator of the refrigerating system.