In a Number 3, 4 or 5 Height District the front building line height of a corner building may extend back along the side street for a distance of twice the width of the side street, but not farther at that height than one hundred fifty (150) feet from the front street line, or to the boundary of a district of lesser height limit, whichever is less.
(Ord. No. 2204-A-48. Passed 12-19-49, eff. 1-29-50)
Where a building fronts on a square, park or other permanent open space across which the distance to the opposite property line, measured from the building line of the building under consideration, is not less than one hundred (100) feet, the building height at the building line may be extended to the height limit of the district in which it is located. The height of the building back of the building line shall be governed by the height limitations and setback regulations of the height district in which it is located.
(Ord. No. 2204-A-48. Passed 12-19-49, eff. 1-29-50)
In Residence Districts an accessory building shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, or the distance from the accessory building to a main building or potential location of a main building on adjoining premises in a Residence District, whichever is less.
(Ord. No. 2204-A-48. Passed 12-19-49, eff. 1-29-50)
(a) Towers. For towers attached to the ground or mounted on a building, except for roof structures as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code and as regulated in division (b) of this section, the maximum height specified in Section 353.02 may be exceeded, provided that:
(1) The area of the tower’s horizontal cross section above the height limit does not exceed twenty- five percent (25%) of the lot area excluding all required yard area;
(2) The tower is not nearer to any lot lines at the height limit than twenty-five (25) feet;
(3) The tower is located no closer to a public airport or landing field than one (1) mile, unless closer proximity is specifically permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals, based on recommendations provided by the Department of Port Control.
(b) Roof Structures. In any height district, stairway and elevator or ventilating equipment penthouses, and penthouses for similar purposes; water tanks, cooling towers, ornamental towers, scenery lofts, poles, chimneys or other necessary appurtenances, when erected upon and as an integral part of the building, may be erected or extended above the maximum height specified in Section 353.02 if such building is more than one (1) mile from a public airport or landing field, or if closer proximity to such airport or landing field is specifically permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(c) Exemptions. No provision of this section shall apply to any tower regulated by Chapter 354.
(Ord. No. 2306-2000. Passed 1-22-01, eff. 1-23-01)