It is hereby determined that the public improvement of the site clearance by the demolition of existing buildings and structures upon lands acquired, or in the process of being acquired, pursuant to the plan for the development, renewal, rehabilitation or conservation of an area in the City, shall be made by contract duly let to the lowest responsible bidder after competitive bidding for a gross price in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and these Codified Ordinances. More than one (1) building, structure or premises may be included in the invitation to bid, and in such event, the bidder shall be asked to submit a proposal on each, all or any combination thereof. The specifications for such work shall provide that no building or structure shall be removed from the premises in whole or in substantially whole condition but shall be demolished on the premises, that the bidder shall furnish evidence of sufficient equipment and personnel for the speedy performance of the work, that the time for completion of the work shall be fixed by the City and that the City reserves the right to limit the number of contracts awarded to any one (1) bidder in order to insure the speedy completion of the site clearance of any such area. The Director of Community Development is hereby authorized and directed to enter into such contracts as are awarded by the Board of Control in conformity herewith.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)
Any building or structure within a community development area upon premises included in the program of acquisition by the City pursuant to a community development plan adopted and approved, which constitutes a hazard to the public health and safety by reason of noncompliance with the provisions of these Codified Ordinances relating to building and housing, or by reason of non-occupancy, abandonment or otherwise shall be demolished in the manner prescribed in Section 321.08.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)
Before proceeding to demolish any such building or structure as described in Section 321.09, the Department of Community Development shall attempt to secure the consent of the owner of such building or structure to such demolition, which shall be evidenced by an instrument in writing approved by the Director of Law. However, if such consent is not obtained, the facts shall be presented to Council for determination by Council that such building or structure constitutes a nuisance prejudicial to the public health and safety, requiring abatement thereof by the demolition of such building or structure, which demolition shall be accomplished as provided in Section 321.08.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)