§ 307.02 General Street Construction Requirements
   All streets so laid out shall be graded and the gutters cut out to a proper grade, and where any street crosses a stream or watercourse, the same shall be spanned by a proper culvert or bridge. All streets and alleys shall be so graded and arranged that persons can drive through or over them with safety; all of which shall be done to the acceptance of the Director of Public Service.
§ 307.03 Certificate of Title to Accompany Plats
   All plats submitted, wherein new streets and alleys are laid out to be dedicated to public use, shall be accompanied by a certified abstract of title to date, showing the proposed streets and alleys to be clear and free of all incumbrances, which abstract, or a certified copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the Director of Public Service, and shall become the property of the City.
§ 307.04 Director of Public Service to Examine and Recommend Plats
   The Director of Public Service shall examine and recommend any such plat or allotment, to the person making the same, to the effect that, whenever the streets and alleys are properly graded and the watercourses are properly bridged, etc., as provided in Section 307.02, the Director will pass upon and recommend to Council that the plat or allotment, if otherwise conforming to the provisions of this chapter, be approved.