§ 305.01 Street Suffixes
   All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Lake Erie, easterly City limits, Euclid Avenue and Ontario Street, except numbered streets shall have the suffix N.E., meaning northeast, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Euclid Avenue, the easterly City limits, southerly City limits to the River, the River to Canal Street extended, Canal Street to Huron Street and Ontario Street except numbered streets shall have the suffix S.E., meaning southeast, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Lake Erie, Ontario Street to Huron Street, Huron Street to the River, the River south to the Cincinnati Slip, from Cincinnati Slip west to Lorain Street, Lorain Street, to the City limits, the west City limits to Lake Erie, except numbered streets shall have the suffix N.W., meaning northwest, added to the name of the thoroughfare. All thoroughfares in the section bounded by Ontario Street by way of Vinegar Hill to Canal Street, Canal Street to the River, the River south to the southerly City limits, the southerly City limits and westerly City limits to Lorain Street, Lorain Street to the River at Cincinnati Slip and north along the River to Huron Street, except numbered streets, shall have the suffix S.W., meaning southwest, added to the name of the thoroughfare.
(Ord. No. 72366. Passed 2-8-26)
§ 305.02 Classification of Thoroughfares
   As used in this chapter, “thoroughfare” means all ways used or opened for public travel, whatever their present designation. All thoroughfares running in a general east and west direction shall be called avenues. All thoroughfares running in a general north and south direction shall be called streets. All diagonal thoroughfares shall be called roads. All short or disconnected thoroughfares running in a general north and south direction shall be called places. All short or disconnected thoroughfares running in a general east and west direction shall be called courts. All curved thoroughfares shall be called drives.
§ 305.03 Building Numbering
   In general, one (1) number on each side of the thoroughfare will be allowed for each twenty (20) feet in the residence section of the City, and ten (10) feet in the business section of the City. Even numbers shall be placed on the right hand of all thoroughfares, progressing with the numbers, all odd numbers on the left hand. All avenues and courts will be numbered in blocks, the first number in each being the 100 corresponding to the street number at the beginning of the block, blocks running in the same direction as street numbers. The house numbers on streets and places shall in general be continuous from north to south, and so arranged that numbers on parallel streets will be in the same block. All streets and places north of Euclid Avenue between Ontario Street and the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Mayfield Road S.E. shall be numbered from 1999 at Euclid Avenue, backward.
   All streets and places north of Mayfield Road S.E. shall be numbered from 1999 at Mayfield Road S.E. backward. All streets and places south of Euclid Avenue between Ontario Street and the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Mayfield Road S.E. shall be numbered from 2000 at Euclid Avenue, then upward progressing southerly. All streets and places south of Mayfield Road S.E. shall be numbered from 2000 at Mayfield Road S.E. then upward progressing southerly. All streets and places north of Lorain Avenue between the Cuyahoga River and West 58th Street shall be numbered from 1999 at Lorain Avenue backward. All streets and places north of Madison Avenue N.W. between West 58th Street and the westerly City limits shall be numbered from 1999 at Madison Avenue N.W. backward. All streets and places south of Lorain Avenue between the Cuyahoga River and West 58th Street shall be numbered from 2000 at Lorain Avenue upward, progressing southerly. All streets and places south of Madison Avenue N.W. between West 58th Street and the westerly City limits shall be numbered from 2000 at Madison Avenue N.W. upward progressing southerly.
   The Public Square shall be numbered beginning at the west intersection of Superior Avenue, the even numbers around the south half of the Square, one (1) number for each ten (10) feet, and the odd numbers around the north half of the Square for each ten (10) feet.
§ 305.04 Display of Numbering
   The owner, agent, lessee or other person in charge of any building in the City upon a street to which street numbers of buildings have been assigned by the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction, shall cause the proper number of such building to be displayed on the fanlight, transom, door, entrance steps or gate, or at the nearest practical point to the entrance of such building in such a manner that the number may at all times be plainly legible from the sidewalk in front of such building. As used in this section, “front” means that side of the building which faces the street on which the number of such building or premises on which such building is situated, has been allotted, and that the number shall be displayed on such side of such building or premises.
(Ord. No. 88316. Passed 10-14-29)
§ 305.05 Failure to Display Building Numbering
   No owner, lessee, agent or other person in charge of any building in the City, upon a street to which numbers of buildings have been assigned by the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction, shall fail to display the proper number of such building, as provided in Section 305.04.
(Ord. No. 88316. Passed 10-14-29)
§ 305.06 Names of Streets and Highways
   The streets and highways of the City shall, until changed by ordinance, continue to bear names authorized prior to October 17, 1921, and as thereafter changed or added to by ordinance, except such changes, if any, as were made by Ordinance 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924. All streets and highways hereafter dedicated or laid out in the City shall bear such names consistent with the system provided for in Sections 305.01 and 305.02, as appear on the plat approved by the Platting Commissioner and accepted by Council.
(Ord. No. 72366. Passed 2-8-26)
§ 305.07 Street Maps
   (a)   As used in this chapter, “house” means any dwelling house, business block or building used for business purposes. “Street” means any street, avenue, lane, alley, public place or highway.
   (b)   The Commissioner of Engineering and Construction shall prepare maps of all streets required to be numbered, drawn to an accurate scale, showing all intersecting streets and the location of the fronts of all houses and each front doorway in the same. The whole length of the street shall be divided up into spaces or lots of twenty (20) or ten (10) feet front as provided in Section 305.03. A number shall be given for each space, and the number coinciding most nearly with the location of any doorway shall be the number of the same; consecutive numbers shall be placed directly opposite on lines at right angles to the street. All numbers placed on houses under these sections shall be indicated on the maps. The maps shall be bound in convenient volumes, kept on file in the office of the Commissioner and shall be the property of the City.