   (A)   Operator shall determine if the content of the trap is acceptable waste for a permitted vehicle. The vehicle shall be equipped and of sufficient size to handle load.
   (B)   A permitted transporter shall not transport materials which are hazardous as defined herein.
   (C)   A manifest system approved by the city shall be used to document transportation and disposal of all applicable liquid waste as follows:
      (1)   Trip ticket books shall be purchased by the transporter from the city Water Utilities Superintendent at a cost of $25;
      (2)   A transporter shall complete one trip ticket for each location serviced, with the exception of chemical/portable toilet companies servicing their own units. Chemical/portable toilet companies servicing their own units only shall submit one trip ticket for each load regardless of number of units serviced and must present for inspection/testing prior to discharge of waste;
      (3)   White copy of trip ticket to be signed by transporter and generator at time of waste collection with yellow copy maintained by generator;
      (4)   White copy of trip ticket to be signed by a representative of the city Wastewater Treatment Plant at time of disposal with white copy maintained by the city's representative;
      (5)   Gold and pink copies of trip ticket to be maintained by transporter;
      (6)   A copy of all trip tickets shall be maintained by the transporters in accordance with TCEQ rule.
   (D)   Transporter shall completely evacuate all liquid waste, semi-solid waste and solid waste from each trap serviced.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 05-2009-30, passed 5-26-09; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20) Penalty, see § 51.999
   A person commits an offense if they allow liquid waste that emits noxious or offensive odors, is unsanitary or injurious to public health, to accumulate upon property under their control.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20) Penalty, see § 51.999
   (A)   A person commits an offense if they discharge liquid waste in an unapproved site, offer liquid waste for sale (other than waste oil recycling), or exchange liquid waste for barter.
   (B)   A person commits an offense if they allow discharge of liquid waste into a street, storm drainage system, sanitary sewer, water course or stream.
   (C)   The fee for disposing waste at the Cleburne Wastewater Treatment Plant shall be $25, plus the current rate of commercial accounts.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 05-2009-30, passed 5-26-09; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20) Penalty, see § 51.999
   (A)   Obtain and maintain compliance with all licenses and/or permits required by local, state or federal law.
   (B)   Accept waste only from a permitted transporter.
   (C)   Maintain trip ticket copies in accordance with TCEQ rule.
   (D)   Accept only those classes of wastes authorized by license or permit.
   (E)   Make available all records required to be kept for inspection by the Approving Authority at any time during normal business hours.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 05-2009-30, passed 5-26-09; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20)
   (A)   The Approving Authority may deny a permit if it is determined that an applicant is not qualified under this subchapter, or if it is determined that the POTW cannot accept additional loadings. The Approving Authority may refuse to accept any loads during times of plant upset or if it is believed that a load may cause harm to the treatment works or would violate Industrial Waste Ordinance, see §§ 51.070 through 51.086. The Approving Authority may suspend or revoke a permit if it is determined that a permittee:
      (1)   Is not qualified under this subchapter;
      (2)   Has violated a provision of this subchapter;
      (3)   Has failed to pay a required fee;
      (4)   Has failed to deliver trip tickets to the Approving Authority;
      (5)   Has failed to have a current TCEQ permit and all vehicle registration numbers posted, if required by a state or federal agency.
   (B)   After suspension or revocation under this section, a permittee may file a request for reinstatement of the permit. When the Approving Authority determines that the permittee is again qualified after all violations have been corrected, precautions have been taken to prevent future violations, and all required fees have been paid, he or she may reinstate the permit.
   (C)   The Approving Authority may revoke for a period of one year or less all permits held by a liquid waste transporter if the transporter or any employee of the transporter violates any of the provisions of this subchapter, any rule or regulation promulgated by the Approving Authority, applicable provisions of the city Code of Ordinances or state law.
   (D)   A permittee whose permit is suspended or revoked shall not collect, transport, or dispose of any waste materials within the jurisdiction of the Approving Authority.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 05-2009-30, passed 5-26-09; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20) Penalty, see § 51.999
§ 51.108 APPEAL.
   If the Approving Authority denies the issuance of a permit or suspends or revokes a permit, he or she shall send to the applicant or permit holder, by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of his action and the right to a hearing if a written request for a hearing is filed with the Approving Authority by the applicant or permit holder within ten days after receipt of written notice of action taken. The hearing provided for in this section shall be conducted by a Regulatory Committee at a time and place designated by the Approving Authority. The permit holder shall be notified of such hearing no less than ten days prior to the hearing date. The Regulatory Committee shall be appointed by the Approving Authority and shall be comprised of the city Public Works Director, the city Health Official and the Building Official. Based upon the record of such hearing, the Regulatory Committee shall, upon the affirmative vote of the majority, make a finding to sustain, modify or rescind any official denial, suspension, revocation or order considered in the hearing. A written report of the hearing decision shall be furnished to the applicant or permit holder by the Regulatory Committee within ten days after the date of hearing.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20)