For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPROVED. Accepted as satisfactory under terms of this subchapter and is given formal approval by the Approving Authority.
APPROVING AUTHORITY. The City of Cleburne or its duly authorized deputy, agent or representative.
DIRECTOR. The Director of Public Works or his or her duly authorized representative.
DISPOSAL. To discharge, deposit, inject, dump, spill, leak or place any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste such as septage waste into or on any land or water so that such waste or any constituent of such waste may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any water course of ground waters.
DISPOSER. A person who receives, stores, retains, processes, or disposes of septic waste.
GENERATOR. A person who causes, creates, generates or otherwise produces septic waste.
LIQUID WASTE. Septic waste and/or any other wastes which is nontoxic and meets the requirements of § 51.073(A).
MANAGER. A person conducting, supervising, managing or representing the activities of a generator, transporter or disposer.
MANIFEST SYSTEM. A system of documents or trip tickets used to track generation, transportation and disposal of waste products.
OWNER. Any person who owns a facility or any portion of a facility.
PERMIT. A formal written document issued to a person by the Approving Authority authorizing hauling and disposal of septage wastes.
PERMITTEE. A person or persons granted a permit under this subchapter.
PERSON. Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, trust, estate, governmental entity, or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns.
POTW (PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS). Means a treatment works as defined by Section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, being 33 USC 1292. This definition includes any devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature. It also includes lift stations, sewers, pipes and other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW. In this subchapter, POTW shall refer to the City of Cleburne POTW.
SANITARY SEWER. A public sewer that conveys domestic wastewater or industrial wastes or a combination of both, and into which storm, surface, groundwater and other unpolluted waters are not intentionally passed.
SEPTAGE. Wastes removed from a portable toilet, chemical toilet or septic tank.
SPECIAL WASTES. Any liquid, semi-liquid, solid or combination thereof that because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical characteristics or biological properties require special handling or disposal to protect human health or the environment, excluding grease traps, grit traps, and waste oil traps.
TANK. A device designated to contain an accumulation of septage waste which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials such as concrete, steel or plastic to provide adequate structural support for holding of such waste.
TCEQ. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
TOXIC WASTE. Any liquid, semi-liquid, or solid waste material which has the ability to chemically produce injury once it reaches a susceptible site in or on the body.
TRANSPORTER. A person who operates a vehicle for the purpose of transporting liquid waste.
TRIP TICKET. A document used to designate a chain of custody and other information required by the Approving Authority.
VEHICLE. An approved mobile device in which liquid waste may be transported upon a public street or highway.
(Ord. 3-1995-7, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 05-2009-30, passed 5-26-09; Am. Ord. 04-2020-24, passed 4-14-20)