General Provisions
52.001 Findings
52.002 Establishment of a municipal drainage utility system
52.003 Public utility
52.004 Service area
52.005 No waiver of immunity
Charges Levied and Imposed
52.020 Findings
52.021 Drainage charge established
52.022 Categories of land use
52.023 Monthly drainage charge
52.999 Penalty
The City Council has found and hereby finds that:
(A) The city will establish a schedule of drainage charges against all real property in the city's service area subject to charges under Tex. Local Gov't Code Chapter 402, Subchapter C;
(B) The city will provide drainage for all real property in the city's service area on payment of drainage charges, except real property exempted under Tex. Local Gov't Code Chapter 402, Subchapter C; and
(C) The city will offer drainage service on nondiscriminatory, reasonable and equitable terms.
(Ord. 01-2004-02, passed 1-13-04)
The provisions of Tex. Local Gov't Code Chapter 402, Subchapter C are hereby declared to be adopted and a municipal drainage utility system is hereby established by the authority of that subchapter and by the authority of the City Council.
(Ord. 01-2004-02, passed 1-13-04)