The on-site construction or installation of industrialized housing and buildings in the city shall be regulated as follows:
(A) The Building Official shall require and review, for compliance with the mandatory building codes, a complete set of designs, plans, and specifications bearing the Council's seal of approval.
(B) All applicable city permits and licenses shall be obtained before construction begins on a building site.
(C) All modules or modular components shall bear an approved decal or insignia indicating inspection by the Department in accordance with rules of the Commission.
(D) The Building Official shall conduct the inspections required under § 150.086 above.
(Ord. 11-2005-75, passed 11-8-05)
(A) Single-family or duplex industrialized housing in the city must have all city permits and licenses that are applicable to other single-family or duplex dwellings.
(B) Single-family or duplex industrialized housing in the city shall comply with the following regulations:
(1) The single-family or duplex industrialized housing must have a value equal to or greater than the median taxable value for each single-family dwelling located within 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is proposed to be located as determined by the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for Johnson County;
(2) The single-family or duplex industrialized housing shall have exterior siding, roofing, roof pitch, foundation fascia, and fenestration compatible with the single-family dwellings located with 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is proposed to be located;
(3) The single-family or duplex industrialized housing shall comply with municipal aesthetic standards, building setbacks, side and rear yard offsets, subdivision control, architectural landscaping, square footage, and other site requirements applicable to single-family dwellings; and
(4) The single-family or duplex industrialized housing shall be securely fixed to a permanent foundation.
(5) For purposes of division (C)(1),
VALUE means the taxable value of the industrialized housing and the lot after installation of the housing.
(C) An industrialized housing permit is required for single-family or duplex industrialized housing. An application for such permit shall be submitted to the city. Such application shall consist of the following:
(1) A completed application on forms provided by the city;
(2) A legal description of the lot(s) on which the industrialized housing is to be located;
(3) Documentation showing the total purchase price of the industrialized housing and the value of the lot on which it is to be located. The value of the lot shall be the taxable value of the lot as certified by the Johnson County Appraisal District; and
(4) Photos and/or other documentation that clearly shows that the design of the industrialized housing is compatible with the design of single-family dwelling units located within 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is proposed to be located.
(D) When evaluating the compatibility of the industrialized housing, the city shall consider the following:
(1) Exterior siding;
(2) Roofing;
(3) Roof pitch;
(4) Foundation fascia;
(5) Fenestration; and
(6) All municipal aesthetic standards.
(E) Except as provided above, the city shall not adopt any regulation that is more restrictive for industrialized housing than that required for a new single-family or duplex dwelling constructed on site.
(F) Nothing in this subchapter relieves an applicant for an industrialized housing permit from conforming to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance or any other regulation or ordinance that applies to the development of single-family or duplex dwelling units in the city.
(G) The provisions of this section do not:
(1) Limit the authority of the city to adopt regulations to protect historic properties or historic districts; or
(2) Affect deed restrictions.
(Ord. 11-2005-75, passed 11-8-05)
(A) Moving existing structures into, or from one location within the city to another location within the city, is prohibited. However, the City Council may, at a properly noticed public hearing, approve or deny the movement of a structure into the city or within the city based on testimony of adjacent property owners and/or the historic significance of the structure. The City Council shall have the sole authority to determine the historical significance of the structure. The following criteria shall be considered by the City Council when determining whether a structure is historically significant to the community:
(1) The structure’s significance in history, architecture, archaeology, or culture;
(2) Its association with events that have made a significant contribution to patterns of local, regional, state, or national history;
(3) Its association with an important person or historical figure;
(4) Its embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, style, period, or method of construction or architecture; or
(5) Whether it represents the work of a master designer, engineer, architect, builder, or craftsman.
(B) Any structures approved by the Council to be moved into or within the city shall comply with the requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. 10-2017-65, passed 10-10-17)
It shall be the duty of the person moving any structure to give advanced written notice of the move to any and all utility companies maintaining overhead utility lines across or along any street or alley included in the designated route along which such structure is to be moved. Utility companies shall be provided with advanced written notice of the designated route and time when the move is to be undertaken so the utility company can determine if it is necessary to move or alter utility lines along the designated route. After receiving such notice, it shall be the duty of the utility company or companies maintaining such overhead utility lines to move or alter utility lines along the designated route. The movers shall under no conditions nor under any circumstances cut, raise, remove, or damage any overhead utility lines found across or along any street or alley, except under the direction of an employee of the utility company owning such wire or wires.
('68 Code, § 6-43) (Am. Ord. 01-2005-12, passed 1-25-05; Am. Ord. 10- 2017-65, passed 10-10-17) Penalty, see § 150.999
No structure may be moved along or over any street within the city on dollies unless such dollies are equipped with pneumatic tires.
('68 Code, § 6-44) (Am. Ord. 01-2005-12, passed 1-25-05; Am. Ord. 10-2017-65, passed 10-10-17) Penalty, see § 150.999