Building Codes Generally
150.001 Adoption of International Code Council Codes
150.002 Conformance with zoning ordinance
150.003 Building inspection fees
150.004 Electrical Code
150.005 MAG standards
150.006 Supplemental research and recommendation services
150.007 Board of Appeals
150.008 Manufactured housing standards
150.009 ADA standards and regulations
Street Numbering System
150.020 Purpose
150.021 Definitions
150.022 Generally
150.023 Street naming
150.024 Address numbers
Rights-of-Way and Grading Permits
150.040 Purpose
150.041 Scope
150.042 Adoption of permit application form
150.043 Definitions
150.044 Enforcement
150.045 Appeals
150.046 Permit requirements; classes of permit
150.047 Life of permit
150.048 Denial of permit
150.049 Fees
150.050 Additional stipulations
Roadway Standards
150.065 Compliance with code
150.066 Rights-of-way
150.067 Construction requirements
Underground Electric, Telephone, Cable and Communication Lines
150.080 Definitions
150.081 Underground utility lines
150.082 Exceptions
150.083 Town participation as developer
150.084 Waiver of underground installation requirements
150.100 General
150.101 Location
150.102 Sizes
150.103 Structures
150.104 Shoulder and parking area construction
150.105 Removal of nonconforming or unsafe mailboxes