§ 150.066 RIGHTS-OF-WAY.
   (A)   The minimum widths of rights-of-way for roadways within the town shall be as follows:
      (1)   Arterial roads. Rights-of-way for arterial roads shall be 100 feet wide.
      (2)   Residential collectors. Rights-of-way for residential collectors shall be 68 feet wide.
      (3)   Residential streets. Rights-of-way for residential streets shall be 50 feet wide.
   (B)   Lands for rights-of-way shall be deeded to the town and recorded prior to any construction being accomplished.
(2001 Code, § 7-11-2)
   (A)   Prior to construction of any base or subbase, the subbase shall be scarified and compacted to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Compaction shall be a minimum of 95% density.
   (B)   Base course shall consist of a minimum depth of 6 inches of Aggregate Base Course (ABC) or Mineral Aggregate (MA) compacted to a minimum of 95% density. The ABC or MA shall be shaped to the width and cross slope of the approved typical section. Placement of any select material and minimum depth requirements shall be approved by the Road Department. The ABC shall meet the following gradation specifications:
Percentage by Weight Passing Sieve
Sieve Sizes (Square Openings)
Select Material
Aggregate Base
Type A
Type B
Percentage by Weight Passing Sieve
Sieve Sizes (Square Openings)
Select Material
Aggregate Base
Type A
Type B
3 inches
1-1/2 inches
1-1/8 inches
No. 4
No. 8
No. 30
No. 200
P.I. Maximum
   (C)   All materials in the subbase or base course shall be placed using moisture and density control in accordance with good engineering practice and approval by the Road Department. Prior to the acceptance of roads for maintenance by the town, the contractor shall provide the town with engineering certifications of materials used and density testing.
   (D)   A dust free surface consisting of tack or prime coat penetrant asphalt and at least a single coarse bituminous surface treatment shall be provided. The Road Department shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the design of the dust free surface and structural section (base/subbase).
   (E)   (1)   Engineering calculations shall be submitted for all drainage required such as but not limited to:
         (a)   Natural watercourses;
         (b)   Subgrade;
         (c)   Side ditches;
         (d)   Surface runoff; and
         (e)   Culvert sizes.
      (2)   Minimum cross culverts shall be 18 inches diameter. Minimum driveway culverts shall be 12 inches diameter.
   (F)   All computations and certifications required shall be performed and sealed by an engineer licensed to practice by the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration.
   (G)   (1)   The typical section minimum roadway for residential and collector streets shall be:
      (2)   Notes:
         (a)   ABC material shall be compacted to 95% density.
         (b)   All driveways shall have minimum 12 inches C.M.P. where roadway ditch evidenced.
         (c)   Maximum grade within 100 feet from intersection = 4%.
         (d)   Cross culverts for existing water courses shall be 18 inches minimum. Culvert size calculations shall be required.
         (e)   Structural section to be determined by good engineering practice.
(2001 Code, § 7-11-3)
§ 150.080 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEVELOPER. The individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, syndication, trust or other legal entity (other than the serving utility) that is responsible for the development of land thereby creating a demand for service or causes alteration of existing services.
   DISTRIBUTION FEEDER. That portion of the distribution system feeding from a distribution substation to a specific load area and having a capacity of over 3 MVA and less than 12.5 KV.
   EXISTING UTILITY POLES AND WIRES. The poles and wires and other related facilities that are in place and in operation as of the effective date of this subchapter and including repairs, replacements, additions, enlargements or betterments, changes, improvements hereinafter made to maintain or increase service capabilities of existing utility poles, wires, service drops and other facilities, but it does not include extensions made to existing distribution lines.
   TRANSMISSION LINE. An electric line used for the bulk transmission of electricity between generating or receiving points and major substations or delivery points, having a rating greater than 12,500 volts.
   NEW UTILITY POLES AND WIRES. Poles and structures, wires, cables, transformers and other related facilities used in or as a part of the distribution or transmission of electricity or in the transmission of telephone, telegraph, radio or television communications that are not in place as of the effective date of this subchapter and constituting new extensions made from existing poles and wires.
   UNDERGROUND POLICY. The then current policy governing payment of the cost of undergrounding distribution feeders and service facilities as established by the serving utility.
(2001 Code, § 7-12-1)
   Except as exempted in § 150.082, all existing and new utility and telephone lines, electric utility distribution lines, cable television lines and all other communication and utility lines adjacent to or within new residential, commercial or industrial subdivisions or other areas to be developed within the town shall be installed underground at the time of development of the property as part of the required off-site and on-site improvements. The developer of the property shall be responsible for the costs of the underground construction in accordance with the underground policy of the serving utility.
(2001 Code, § 7-12-2)
§ 150.082 EXCEPTIONS.
   The following construction may occur without meeting the underground installation requirements:
   (A)   Transmission lines and betterment to existing utilities together with related switch yards, substations and related equipment;
   (B)   Repair or improvement of existing utility poles and wires by the serving utility, provided that activity is not initiated on request of or by a developer;
   (C)   Installation of new utility poles and wires or relocation of existing utility poles and wires not initiated by a developer;
   (D)   Pad-mounted transformers or pull boxes, service terminals, pedestal type telephone terminals, telephone splice closures or similar on-the-ground facilities attached to existing overhead facilities which are used for the purpose of connecting an underground system with the existing facilities;
   (E)   Temporary service facilities, such as facilities to furnish emergency service during an outage, facilities to provide service to construction sites or other service of a limited duration, such as to a fair, carnival, outdoor exhibit or function where the facilities will be installed for a temporary period only; and
   (F)   New service drops or improvement of existing service drops from existing overhead lines to single family residential customers, except when underground service is required by the Town of Chino Valley subdivision regulations.
(2001 Code, § 7-12-3)
   In the event of relocation, improvement or repair of existing utility poles and wires or installation of new utility poles and wires by the serving utility, the town may elect to act as a developer and participate in the cost of underground installation in accordance with the underground installation policy of the utility. Prior to commencing any relocation, improvement or installation work within the town, the serving utility shall notify the Town Engineer of the pending action. Within 30 days of receipt of notification, the town will determine its intent to act as developer and notify the utility of the decision.
(2001 Code, § 7-12-4)