§ 150.049 FEES.
   (A)   (1)   At the issuance of a permit, the Town Engineer shall collect the permit fees set forth by resolution from time to time. The fees shall be paid in lawful money of the United States or by collectable draft or check. Should the draft or check be uncollectible within 15 days, the permit shall be null and void.
      (2)   (a)   Inspection fees shall be waived for utilities holding a general permit.
         (b)   Inspection fees for 1 inspection are included in the project permit fees.
   (B)   Other charges:
Special fees
At the issuance of a permit, the Town Engineer shall collect the special fees set forth in the Town of Chino Valley Ord. 411 Other Engineering Services. Special fees will be withheld for Utilities that have Franchise agreements with the Town of Chino Valley.
Samples and testing of materials
The permittee shall be responsible to insure that, when so required by the permit, he or she shall employ an independent testing laboratory to test all physical materials, at his cost, pursuant to § 106.2 of MAG specifications.
Use of explosives
The permittee shall be responsible to insure that a permit for blasting is obtained from the Chino Valley Fire Department and the Town Engineer.
Preservation of property
The permittee shall be responsible to insure that existing landscaping shall be preserved and special care given to protect trees and large shrubbery, in accordance with § 150.046(C)(3)(b). The permittee shall also be responsible to insure that property protection shall be in accordance with MAG § 201.2.
Backfilling and compacting shall be an approved 1-sack slurry concrete mix from the bottom of pavement to 6 inches above pipe.
All pipes and lines shall be located pursuant to § 150.050(E)(1).
Weather and moisture condition limitations for asphaltic concrete.
Asphalt concrete shall be deposited only when the sub grade surface is dry, and when the ambient temperature in the shade is sixty- (60) degrees Fahrenheit and is rising.
All pavement and concrete repair shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
Variances may be granted by the Town Engineer in accordance with acceptable engineering standards and practices.
Traffic control measures
Traffic control measures shall be in accordance with specifications in the M.U.T.C.D. Devices and measures to adequately control vehicular and pedestrian traffic adjacent to and within the construction area shall be provided and maintained.
(2001 Code, § 7-10-10)