For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONTRACTOR. The applicant or contractor hired by the applicant.
ENGINEER. Unless otherwise specified, shall mean the applicant’s engineer.
ENGINEERING and ENGINEERING PRACTICE. The practice of engineering, as defined in A.R.S. § 32-101.
GENERAL PERMIT. The permit to construct or maintain on town utilities holding franchises with the Town of Chino Valley.
MAG. Maricopa Association of Governments and refers to public works standards published by that organization.
OPTIMUM MOISTURE. The water content corresponding to the maximum soil density, as defined by A.S.M.D.-698 or A.S.S.H.T.O. T-99 density curve obtained from laboratory compaction test trials.
OWNER. That party, holding title to property placed within the town rights-of-way.
PERMIT. The permit to construct or maintain on town rights-of-way authorized by the Town Engineer.
PERMITTEE. The grantee of a permit by the Town Engineer.
PROJECT PERMIT. The permit to construct or maintain on town rights-of-way issued to applicants for specific construction or maintenance projects.
PROJECT PERMIT AMENDMENT. A modification by the Town Engineer of the time extension requirement of the permit pursuant to § 150.047(C), and any modification allowed by this subchapter.
RIGHTS-OF-WAY. Streets, roads, alleys, ways, highways, sidewalks, bridges, utility easements, structures, grounds and places which have been dedicated to and declared by the town to be public and permits are not limited to public rights-of-ways.
SOLID ROCK. Material which results in refusal during excavation by a backhoe with a 1-foot bucket of 55 horsepower or greater.
STREET PAD. Any rubber or metal device of sufficient strength, thickness and area to protect paved surfaces from damage or deformation.
TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. A plan pursuant to § 150.046(C)(7), the details of which shall be specified by the Town Engineer.
UTILITIES. Any person or business providing service to the public through the use of lines, pipes or other distribution systems.
(2001 Code, § 7-10-4)