   114.01   Definitions
   114.02   Applicability; license required
   114.03   Failure to have license; violation
   114.04   Authorization to engage in business
   114.05   Limitations of license
   114.06   Acquisition of facilities by town upon termination
   114.07   Rights reserved to the town
   114.08   License application procedures
   114.09   License application fees
   114.10   Selection of licensee
   114.11   Term of license
   114.12   Grant of additional license and competing service
   114.13   Renewals
   114.14   Transfers of assignment
   114.15   Effect of award of license
   114.16   Payment of license fee
   114.17   Use of telephone company’s facilities
   114.18   Required services and facilities
   114.19   Subscriber services; rates
   114.20   Government access channel
   114.21   Educational access channels
   114.22   General provisions concerning access
   114.23   Time is of the essence
   114.24   Acceptance and effective date of license
   114.25   Permits, installations and service
   114.26   Cable system construction map and schedule
   114.27   Line extension
   114.28   Placement of transmission facilities
   114.29   Construction and technical standards
   114.30   Utility locating system
   114.31   Resident notification of construction activity required
   114.32   Location of property of license
   114.33   Emergency work
   114.34   Removal and abandonment of property of license
   114.35   Temporary removal of wire for building improvements
   114.36   Changes required by public improvements
   114.37   Methods and materials of street construction
   114.38   Failure to perform street work
   114.39   Telephone communications service
   114.40   Subscriber service standards
   114.41   Subscriber and town notification
   114.42   Billing practices; information and procedures
   114.43   Subscriber solicitation procedures
   114.44   Disconnection and termination of cable services
   114.45   Protection of subscriber privacy
   114.46   Reports
   114.47   Inspection of property and records
   114.48   Protection of town against liability
   114.49   Letter of credit
   114.50   Construction bonds
   114.51   Liquidated damages
   114.52   Administrative hearing
   114.53   Hearing by Council
   114.54   Revocation
   114.55   Continuity of service mandatory
   114.56   Failure of town to enforce a license; no waiver of terms thereof
   114.57   License subject to other laws
   114.58   Miscellaneous provisions
   114.59   Force majeure
   114.60   Continued use of individual antennas