(A)   Within 180 after acceptance of any license, licensee shall submit a specific construction plan or reconstruction plan, as applicable, which shall be incorporated as an exhibit in the license. The plan shall include an overall plant mileage schedule of any construction or reconstruction effort and a time schedule of said work and system design criteria. The plan shall be updated on each 5-year anniversary of issuance of the license.
   (B)   Within 90 days after obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and authorizations, licensee shall commence construction and installation of the cable system or any reconstruction of the cable system.
      (1)   Licensee shall comply with the time schedule for construction required in division (A) of this section; provided, however, the town issues permits in a timely manner.
      (2)   Installation and operation of the new or any rebuilt cable system by licensee shall proceed on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard for subscriber affluence or other discriminatory factors.
      (3)   Immediately following commencement of construction and installation of the cable system under a license, licensee shall diligently proceed to deliver cable services, as described in the license.
   (C)   Failure on the part of the licensee to commence and diligently pursue each of the foregoing requirements and to complete each of the matters set forth herein shall be grounds for liquidated damages and/or termination of such license pursuant to §§ 114.50 Construction Bonds and 114.53 Hearings by Council; provided, however, that the Council in its discretion may extend the time for the commencement and completion of construction and installation for additional periods if any of the conditions set forth in § 114.59 Force Majeure exist.
   (D)   A license may contain alternative provisions that further the purposes of this section to provide cable services in the town.
(Ord. 16-825, passed 9-13-2016)